May 29,2015

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I have not updated in a full three months.

So, I am officially a ninth grader.... My last day of middle school was on the 22......So... YAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No more sucky teachers who really couldn't care less if they were actually teaching or not.... Well for the next month or so.... Um..... I filmed my first YouTube video.... I plan on uploading it today when I get back home from the store..... Fingers crossed.... I'm really excited....

My channel name is Klogged. I came up with that with the help of my sisters.... Its basically because "Kayla's Vloggs".

So yep...

I have to tell you guys.... These last few months of me not updating have been very eventful.... So I created a list to catch you guys up on my life.

1. I got a instagram.

2. My crush followed me on instagram and liked one of my selfies.

3. My other crush liked one of my pictures from my eighth grade prom....

4. I got into my first choice high school.

5. I learned how to whip.

6. I sorta graduated from eighth grade. It wasn't a real graduation like we wanted but it was a terrible program.

7. My parents divorce was finalized... Is that the right word for it.

8. I met some really cool new people.

9. I stopped some people from making stupid decisions.

10. I made my YouTube.

11. I actually updated this story.

This has been nice. I can't wait till I'm like twenty and I decided to read this story..... I'm gonna think I was an idiot...

So thanks for reading this....Please follow me on instagram if you have one.... If you don't then you are really missing out... Make sure you subscribe to my channel....KLOGGED. Thanks so much... Love you guys... I'll try to update in like a week...

Story of MY LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang