Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!!) x Reader

Start from the beginning

-{}-{}-{Time Skip - At the Hospital}-{}-{}-

"Masa~Chan!" I ran up to him and Mikado. I hugged him, "Thank goodness." He smiled, "It'll take more than a flying vending machine to kill me." He wiggled his cast-covered arm. "But I can't believe that I only broke a wrist." I smiled and we laughed. I turned to Mikado. "Thank you very much Mika~San! I knew I could rely on you!" I pulled out my wallet. "So how much do I owe you?" The question rung in the air as the two boys' eyes widened. "YOU WERE SERIOUS?" Mikado was filled with disbelief. "You don't need too!" Masaomi gasped. I sighed. This was something that Masaomi was set on. "Well then, could you please just show me to my apartment?" Masaomi nodded. "Sorry, I need to get home. I'm expecting a package." Mikado smiled sadly. "Don't worry about it!" I smiled back. "Bye bye then! Goodnight!" Mikado left. Masaomi sighed, "What did you do?" I smiled sweetly. "Whatever are you talking about Masa~Chan?" "(Y/N)?" He said in a warning tone. Then groaned, "We'll talk about it when we get to your apartment."

-{}-{}-{Time Skip - At the Apartment}-{}-{}-

Once I had checked in and gotten my key, Masaomi followed me up to my apartment. Once we got in, we removed our shoes and sat down on the couch. "Mikado told me that you went to do something. What did you do?" "I went and kicked Shizuo~San in the balls." I stated bluntly. Masaomi choked on air, "WHAT?" "Well, there were a series of events before, but-" I was cut off by, "That's not the point! (Y/N), you went up again a Macho-Man, beat him AND kicked him in the balls!" I crossed my arms and turned my head away, "He threw a vending machine at you." I mumbled childishly.

"Apologize." He said. I looked at him with disbelief. "What?" "If you don't he might come after you." "Fine." I huffed, "I'll apologize when I see him next time. And hopefully not anytime soon." I mumbled the last part. "What?" He asked. I quickly smiled, "Nothing, nothing! I'm kinda tired, though." He nodded and stood up. "Alright then, g'night." He walked to the door and I opened it for him. "Bye bye, goodnight Masa~Chan." Then he disappeared down the hall.

I sighed looking at the 'Ciel'-ing (:3 Get it?). I would find Shizuo in the morning and apologize, and maybe offer a peace offering. Like what? A fruit basket? What? lol no. (Y/N) you are so weird. Aaaand now you're talking to yourself. What a weirdo. I sighed and curled up on the bed. It may not have sheets, but it was comfortable. The night was a little hot so I left a window open the soft breeze lulling me to sleep.

-{}-{}-{Time Skip - The Next Day}-{}-{}-

I walked through the city, half window shopping and half looking for Shizuo. Scratch that. I was 99% window shopping and 1% looking for Shizuo. I really didn't want to get a vending machine to the face. I may be good at finding certain pressure points, but if I have to apologize for kicking someone in the balls...welp then, I'm probably done for.

While I was looking at a big fat Rilakkuma plush, (This is it right here, I DO NOT OWN THIS, CREDIT TO WHOEVER IT BELONGS TO)

While I was looking at a big fat Rilakkuma plush, (This is it right here, I DO NOT OWN THIS, CREDIT TO WHOEVER IT BELONGS TO)

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I heard yelling coming from behind me. "IIIIIIZZZZZZAAAAAYYYYAAAA!?!" I just glanced behind me to see Shizuo running past the shop, stop sign in hand. I sighed and sulked out of the shop, knowing that I would have to do this sooner or later.

"Damn flea. Got away." Shizuo huffed. "Um, hey. Shizuo~San?" Shizuo turned around and once he recognized me, his glare went cold. "What. Do. You. Want." He said through gritted teeth. I took a teensy step back. "Well, see. Masa~Chan wanted me to apologize to you. For, you know...kicking you in the balls." He turned away. His face turning a bit pink in embarrassment. "I also, want to offer you a peace offering." I cleared my throat, getting nervous. "I'll treat you to dinner." He shrugged, "Well, sure. I guess." My face lit up. "Good. I'll meet you by the fountain in front of the train station at 7:00 if that's good with you." He nodded and I left quickly.

-{}-{}-{Time Skip - At the Fountain in Front of the Train Station (at 7:00)}-{}-{}-

I sat by the fountain and waited for Shizuo. I looked down at my feet. I was wearing sneakers with (R/C - random colour) pants and a (F/C) top. I hoped that Shizuo would actually turn up. Something in my gut turned at the thought of him not turning up. Anger? no. Relief? no. It was something I hadn't felt before. I clutched my stomach. "Hey." I looked up to see Shizuo. The feeling went away and was replaced with a new feeling. Fluttery, like I was going to talk in front of a million people on a sensitive subject. "Hey, Shizuo~San. Ready to go?" He smirked, "Well if I wasn't, why would I be here?" I laughed a bit and we started walking.

"Hey, you know my name, but what's yours?" I realized I was almost a complete stranger to him. Masaomi told me a little bit about Shizuo, so I know him certainly better than he knows me. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), from (H/T). I'm Masaomi~Chan's friend and he told me that it was interesting here. So I came." He nodded. "Knowing him, you probably know me." My face went kinda red. Hearing that said aloud makes me sound like a stalker or something. "Um, yeah. A little."

I pulled him into El Torito. It's a casual Mexican place with a tequila bar. "Huh." He said looking around, "Never been here before. Seems nice." I smile and we sit down at an open area at the bar. (El Torito is a real restaurant in Ikebukuro, but I have not been there so. I am just making stuff up from here.) Two menus are placed before us and I start looking through. Withing a minute, I've already decided what I wanted to get. When someone asks what we want I reply with, "I'll get one (R/M/D - random Mexican dish) and a tequila." Shizuo tells the waiter what he wants. The waiter collects our menus and leaves.

-{}-{}-{Time Skip - After Your Dinner cuz I'm Lazy! and You two are a little closer :3}-{}-{}-

I pay and Shizuo walks me home. In front of the apartment complex I smile. "Thanks for hanging out with me. It was fun!" He nods and gives me a smile. "Well then, I'll see you around then?" Fluttering erupts in my stomach and I feel happy. "Well then Bye Bye Shizuo~San!" I start to walk up the stairs to the apartment complex and Shizuo starts to walk away. "Oh! Shizuo~San?" I turn back around and run up to him. "You know how I came to Ikebukuro to see what makes this place interesting?" He nods, confused at what the relevance is. I pull on his shoulder so that he bends down a bit so I can whisper in his ear. "You are by far the most interesting thing this city has to offer." I smiled, pecked his cheek making him turn the shade of a ripe apple and he touches the spot on his cheek that I kissed. I spun around and skipped back to the front of the apartment saying, "We should do this again sometime! Bye bye, Shizuo~San!"

Extended ending:

I skipped up the stairs to the apartment complex and stumbled on the last one. Pink rose to my cheeks as I played it off. Curse my clumsiness.

(Did you notice? Did you? Did you realize that this is a genderless character? I want to make this open for everyone so tell me how I did!)

Anonymously Anonymous,

Annonymous Girl

Annonymous Girl

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