Chapter One

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I grab the address book, my hand shaking. Whether it's anticipation or fear is unknown to me. I clutch at my phone, glancing down at the limp, lifeless body of my Mother. Vomit rises in my throat and I force it back down. I can't believe she's dead. T, U, V, W. Winchester. Emergency - John Winchester. I dial the number quickly, afraid that whatever attacked my mum might be coming for me next. Her chest is a bloody mess, ripped open on her left side, clothes torn and nails broken from clawing at the floor. The side where her heart should be. It took out her heart. Whatever it is. I turn my back on the bloodied corpse and inhale deeply. Trying to regain some sort of calm. The phone rings three times before it's answered.

"Hello?" He says.

"Hi, is this John Winchester, it's Annabelle?" I ask quietly, making sure i don't face the body behind me.

"No, sorry he's.. busy right now." The voice says.

"Okay." I breathe down the line before hanging up. Less than 30 seconds after, my phone rings.

"What do you need?" A different voice asks.

"John Winchester. My Mum told me if there's ever an emergency that I need to call him. This is sort of an emergency..." I say, a sob escaping me.

"Well, what's your emergency? We might be able to help?" The voice says.

"My, umm, My Mum, she's dead. Something... Something ripped her heart from her chest." I say, composing myself. Show no weakness Annabelle, that's always been your motto.

"Where are you?"

"At my house? Madison, Wisconsin." I say.

"We'll be there in 2, okay, 1 and a half hours. Stay in your house, lock the doors and windows." The voice says.

"Okay." I breathe before hanging up.

Less than 1.5 hours later, a black Impala pulls up outside my house. Shivers tingle up my spine and I go to the door. It swings open and two guys with huge smiles are standing. They show me their FBI badges and I shake my head.

"I know as well as you do that they're fake." I say quickly as they shove them into their pockets.

"Right, I'm Sam. Sam Winchester. This is my brother Dean." Sam tells me. my eyes flicker between the two.

"Winchester. Like John right?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah... he's our Dad." Dean says, clearing his throat.

"Oh, okay." I say. Dean and Sam Winchester. They're my brothers. I have brothers.

"So, do you have anyone we can take you to?" Sam asks.

"No, I haven't seen my Dad in eight years. My Mom's parents are dead and she had no siblings."I tell them quietly.

"Do you have a number for your Dad?" Dean asks impatiently.

"Um, yeah, hold on." I tell them before grabbing the book of addresses and phone numbers. I call John's phone and brace myself. A phone rings in Dean's pocket and he walks out the back door to answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Why are you phoning me?" I'm literally ju- oh." Dean says before hanging up and walking back through the door.

"Sammy, we have a problem." Dean sighs.

"Whats up?" Sam asks.

"We've found another half sibling." Dean gulps.

"I'm sorry, did you just say another?" I ask. Have I got more siblings?

"Yeah... His name was Adam... He's dead." Sams says quietly.

"Oh... okay? So, what am i supposed to do? I can't stay here on my own. Seriously, I'm seventeen. I'm not legally allowed." I say.

"Dean, she's sort of right." Sammy says.

"Damn it, i know. Listen kid, what we do, it's dangerous. Not place for someone like you." Dean says, rubbing his head.

"What do you do?" I ask, hoping for the truth for the first time in my life.

"We hunt things." Sammy says.

"Like animals Sammy?" I ask.

"Don't call me S- I blame you Dean. We hunt supernatural beings, werewolves, shifters, vampires." Sam tells me.

"Okay. Cut the crap. Tell me the truth." I say quietly, tears building up in my eyes.

"Come here, Belle. Come on." Dean says, taking my hand and leading me to his trunk.

"Are you going to murder and shove me in your trunk?" I ask, only half joking.

"You're our sister. We'd intentionally kill you." Dean grins. He opens the trunk and puts in the combination lock. 11-02-83. Weapons. Not just your usual mass murderer weapons, big knives, guns, stakes, holy water, even crosses.

"You're actually hunters." I say, running my hands over the smooth glossy finish of a gun that caught my eye straight away. I pick it up and check the safety catch.

"Nice gun." I grin.

"Can you shoot?" Dean asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Pass me a gun, we'll go into the yard." Dean hands me a gun and we walk through the house to the yard where Sam is looking at my Mothers body. Insecting it. I bypass him and head towards the rickety shed where I produce a target. Stepping away, I take safety off and shoot, hitting the middle with two of my three shots.

"You're a Winchester alright." Dean sighs.

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