Chapter Thirteen

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As it turns out, Bobby is a huge help and in no time I've found the shell of a car I like with a few parts attached to it while he goes to find everything technical to get the car running.

It's a work in progress for sure, but who knows when Sam and Dean will rock up again to say hello or steal me away. A car is a type of freedom I could only dream of while living with my mother, the wage of a single parent could just about feed, clothe and pay the bills - running a second car was never an option.

1969 Chevy Camaro. The shell of a car that Bobby is helping me to get running. In all honesty, I was surprised. Bobby welcomed me with barely a doubt (other than the super soaker of holy water) and it shocked me. Seeing the three of them together made me realise how close knit hunters can be, I suppose you'd have to be, hunting isn't something to do alone.

I just don't think I truly realised, or was even told, what a dangerous life my dad lived. A dangerous life that most likely led to my mothers homicide and my brothers lost soul. What an interesting family life - talk about dysfunctional.

Perhaps someday, I'll settle down and have a family in a cute house just off the coast, hold family dinners and have Sam and Dean come to stay. But that's a someday. Right now, I want to travel, see more than the couple of states I've been to so far. Maybe a road trip? Maybe Europe? Italy has always grabbed my attention. Who knows. I just need the opportunity.

As far as supernatural beings are concerned, Bobby is on a seemingly quieter sense of the usually boisterous radar, answering calls from different hunters and fixing them up with whatever they might need to carry on with their hunting ways. I tried to help in my first few days of being here but the confusion was all too much and I wasn't able to find research quick enough, let alone scour through countless newspapers and articles looking for anything away from the norm, anything particularly supernatural or possibly dangerous.

Cas has kept his distance, possibly because of Sam and Dean trying to keep me as far from harms way as possible. Maybe they're all just a bit too busy to be thinking of little Annabelle and her petty problems. I end up taking Bobby's truck into town to grab some groceries, having offered to cook. I can make a few basics, enough to semi-healthily survive.

'Anna, the car's slowly getting there. Shouldn't be much longer until you can start driving her around.' Bobby tells me as I hop out of the truck, grabbing the groceries from the front seat.

'Thanks Bobby, it's nice knowing I have someone I can rely on to help me out.' I grin, turning towards the house to start cooking.

Helping my mother in the kitchen when she arrived home from work was always a monotonous affair. She would get annoyed after being at work all day and tell me to go do my homework, before feeling guilty for snapping and coming to give me her signature apology hug and hot chocolate. I do miss her hugs, more than the hot chocolate, but anyone can make hot chocolate, a mother's embrace is irreplaceable.

It's a few weeks until the boys eventually come back, grinning, as usual, at their latest success and having Bobby update them on me. Maybe my progress? Perhaps what I've been doing or how many times I've freaked out (which would be exactly 3 times since they left). My baby is almost up and running, her interior is looking almost perfect and she's gotten herself a lot of care. Dean had a look round her, gave a backhanded comparison compliment and went inside to grab a beer.

"Sammy, have you seen my car?" I ask him, grinning as he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Show me Anna." Sam says, motioning me to walk ahead. I bounce on out to yard where my project sits, a couple of adjustments away from running perfectly.

"She's wonderful!" I grin, shoving Sam into the passenger seat before hopping into the drivers seat. I go to start her up and she chokes before cutting out. Wishful thinking. I sigh.

"I can hear an adjustment, hold up." Sam tells me before popping the hood and bending over, fiddling with the engine. He closes the lid and gives me a thumbs up. I attempt to start her again and she roars to life.

This is going to be a wonderful adventure.

Hello lovelies!
I know this may seem abrupt, but I'm afraid this is the end of our supernatural journey! It's become so difficult to think of what to write and I honestly believe ending my book with Anna in a good, happy place, about to begin her travelling adventures is a wonderful place to be!
Thank you so much for reading!

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