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I paced around the room with a bunch of thoughts going through my head and a bunch of emotions wanting to come out, I quickly called Mariam and told her to get over here as soon as possible! Luckily Harris was out with the boys so I had time to think of way to tell him I'm pregnant.

"How do I tell him? I can't just keep it from him he's my husband! But what if he isn't read? No of course he's ready we've already talked about this before." I said debating with myself to he door bell rang and I quickly ran and opened the door pulling Mariam in and closing the door behind her and led her to my room.

"What's wrong?" She asked worried and i showed her the three test that all said positive.

She gasped and then smiled and then squealed and hugged me.

"I'm soooooo happy yay an addition to our gang!" She yelled happily and I laughed.

"But what's wrong you don't seem happy." She said tilting her head to the side.

"No I'm happy but I'm also nervous scared excited and so on, I mean how do I tell Harris this is awkward to tell someone." I said and she chuckled and gave me a hug.

"Don't worry he'll be thrilled trust me I bet you 5 pounds hell even cry." She chuckled and I laughed.

"I guess." I shrugged and she quickly turned serious.

"I'm the first person to know right?" She asked seriously and I nodded.

"You stayed true to your words." She smiled and I chuckled nodding.

"Obviously your like another sister to me." I said and she awed.

"How far along are you?" She asked and I sighed.

"Um a- m-month." I whispered and she gasped.

"Why are you just telling me now?!" She shrieked and I covered my ears.

"I just found out I had a feeling for a month but I ignored it-

"Well did you and Harris-

"MARIAM!" I scolded and she shrugged.

"I'll take that as a yes, so obviously your pregnant unless you were u-

MARIAM!" I scolded again, man this girl has no chill!

"Sorry sorry but yay! We'll have a mini Harris or a mini nayla in 8 months!" She cheered and hugged me again but quickly pulled away and gasped.

" I need to go baby shopping! What's the gender?!" She yelled.

"First of all stop yelling! And second of all you find out when your like 3 months pregnant." I said and she pouted.

"I wanna know now!" She whined like a little baby.


Mariam and I sat in the dining room as she made a list of baby names and came up with ideas when I heard the front door open.

"HARRIS IS HERE HIDE THIS!" Mariam yelled and threw the notebook at me so I threw it back and it we kept on throwing it back and forth to each other until Harris came and it fell behind the counter! Mariam and her bad aim😑.

"Huh, list of baby names." He laughed.

"Why are you guys makin- wait are you?" He asked me and I slightly nodded nervously waiting for his reaction and he started tearing up aww my baby, I walked over to him and comforted him and he hugged me tightly.

"You owe me 5 pounds." Mariam whispered and I waved her off.

"Don't cry." I said kissing Harris on the cheek.

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