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Mariam and I were in my room and we were helping her with homework while listening to music (Beyoncé if I were a boy) when Adam came barging in with Harris yusha Aj slim and Mariam reeks and I screamed.

"Uh excuse me this is my room get out." I said to all of them making them gasp they put their hands on their chest hurt fully.

" ok next question!" Reema yelled to get Mariam's and my attention.

"Hold on."I said and she laid down dramatically Mariam helped her out though.

"Ok you guys are my favorite people in the world but seriously get out." I said and Harris nodded.

"Yeah you heard her out." Harris said and they gave him a 😐 Look.

"You too Harris."I said and he gasped and fake cried.

"Ok I see how it is but don't come back crying to me when...damn it why you gotta be so independent?" He said and I smiled.

"Love you too now I have to help reema with her homework." I said as she flipped through the pages and reema tapped my knee so I looked at her.

"Where do babies come from?" She asked and we all gasped and Adam started coughing I dropped my phone Mariam covered her mouth and the boys were like 😵.

"Uhhhhhhhhh that's not a question in this packet."I said quickly and she nodded.

"I know." She said and we were all still in shock until Adam spoke up of course Adam would speak up he's Adam! I gave him an ill kill you type of look.

"They don't teach you at school?" Adam asked and she shook her head and we covered our faces in what Adam would say.

"Ok well when a girl-

"ADAM!" We all scolded and he rolled his eyes.

"As I was saying when a girl eats broccoli she gets a baby and then they take it out of her knee."Adam said,we all looked at him like 'she'll never believe that' reema gasped.

"I ate broccoli today!" Reema gasped horrified and slim whispered.

"Now what are you gonna tell her?" He whispered and we nodded.

"Then congratulations reema you're gonna have a baby high five."Adam said and reema ran out of the room screaming well all just stared in shock then glared at Adam.

"Wait what about your homework this looks so fun."I said and Adam laughed at reemas reaction.

"That was funny." Adam said and we sighed at his immaturity.

"Ok maybe a little." I said and they chuckled nodding.

"But really broccoli,knee?" Yusha asked and Adam scoffed.

"Any better ideas?" He asked and we nodded.

"You could've told her that there's a big bird that carries a baby in a cloth like in that Disney movie dumbo." Slim said and Mariam scoffed.

"Yeah well your a very big dumbo for thinking shed believe that." Harris said and we snickered.

"Well she believed broccoli so dumbo would make a lot more sense." Mariam said backing slim up and I awed.

"What are you aweing at?" Mariam asked me suspiciously as if she knew I was aweing at her and slim.

"Um my phone look how cute." I said showing them a random picture that was on my phone and it happened to be my celebrity crush.

"Oooh your right this is cute." Mariam said and I gasped.

"You like grant gustine too?!" I asked happily and she nodded.

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