The witch-I mean girlfriend

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I was at my old house talking with mama and khala- I keep forgetting that she's my mother in law and I'm supposed to call her amma now she says herself.

"Nayla!" Adam called me and I sighed.

"Can I go?" I asked and they smiled nodding.

"Be back soon though we have so much to catch up on and call Harris down please." Ammi said and I nodded going upstairs.

"Yes Adam?" I asked walking into his room.

"So I want you to meet my girlfriend but I can't introduce you to her here cause it's risky-

"You can bring her to our house and we'll get our whole group there to meet her." Harris said and I nodded not caring much for the topic.

"How's tomorrow?" I asked choosing a random day and he nodded smiling.

"Thanks guys." Adam said and we smiled at him.

"Oh Harris your mom is calling you." I said and walked out amd down the stairs so I could sit and catch up.

"Where's Harris?" Mama asked and I pointed upstairs.

"Hes coming down now, but how have you guys been?" I asked and the smiled nodding.

"Alhumdulillah." They both said and I smiled nodding glad they were doing well, Harris came down stairs and sat next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder and I looked at him.

"Harris that's not appropriate to do right now." I whispered and I could hear our mothers giggle.

"It's fine you guys are married and young." Amma said Harris smiled.

"See besides your so cuddly." He said hugging me.

"So how are you guys doing? How's everything at the house?" Mama asked and we smiled.

"It's great alhumdulillah quiet but great." I said and Harris nodded.

"Oh don't worry inshallah the house will be filled with sounds of a new born baby crying." Amma said and mama nodded.

"Uhhh...yeah." Harris and I said awkwardly.


*skip to the day everyone meets Adams girlfriend*

"What if she hates me like every other one of his past girlfriends did? What if I get a bad vibe from her like all those other ones? What if-

"Babe chill out come on yeah I know your jealous-

"I'm not jealous, oh my god Harris this is why I can't talk to you about this you always think I'm jealous and I'm not I'm worried for him." I said and he looked at me tilting his head to the side.

"thats what a jealous person would say." He said and I groaned.

"Stay away from me." I said and walked out going to answer the door seeing Mariam.

"Let me guess you think your going to get a bad vibe from her and she's gonna hate you and your not jealous your worried and Harris is being annoying as usual saying your jealous?" Mariam said and I nodded not surprised.

"Dont worry if no one believes you I know for a fact I will and so will Yusha cause he's the only boy in the group who isn't oblivious to stuff." She said and I chuckled nodding

"I'm not oblivious." Harris said walking down the stairs.

"Oh really ok why is nayla annoyed with you?" Mariam asked and he shrugged.

"I don't know ask her." Harris said and I sighed.

"You stupid ass she literally told you why." Mariam said and I nodded.

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