Videos and fun

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I woke up and scrolled through my phone for a bit then decided to jog and freshen up. After that I changed (into the outfit in the pic) I heard my mom call me and I walked down stairs with my headphones in my ear

I saw Harris and the boys and I bumped into Adam who laughed.

"Ok we get it nayla you think Harris is attractive but watch where you're going." Adam said and I blushed shaking my head.

"hi guys." I said and they waved at me saying hi. We went upstairs to my room after my dad told me to keep the door opened and gave Harris a tiny lecture on not to touch me even if we're gonna get married.

"Adam what are you doing?" I asked and he smiled. I saw my camera was set up already.

"I set up your camera for you." He said and I smiled.

"Aw thanks now get out. Just kidding you can stay I need ideas for the video." I said and he sat Down on my bed.

" tell embarrassing stories?" Aj asked and we all shook our heads rapidly. I guess we all have really embarrassing stories haha.

"Never have I ever?" Adam asked and I nodded writing it down.

" ummmmmm that's all we got." Yusha said and I shrugged.

"Eh it's fine lets just stick with it." I said and got some papers to write the never and I have.

" I wanna be the one to ask the stuff." Adam said and I nodded.

"Ok let's start Adam press that button over there no yes-

"It's already recording." Yusha laughed along with the boys.

"Oh anywayyyys hi guys put the papers over your faces." I whispered the last part to the boys who did as I said and I chuckled.

"Today I'm here with three boys and my brother Adam and these here boys are....

"Harris yusha and Aj." They introduced themselves.

"And today we're going to be playing never have I ever and basically what you do in the game is you say something like never have I eaten pizza and if you have you show the I have side and if you've never then you show the never side." I said and Harris and the boys looked at me weird.

"Never have I ever eaten pizza what kind of example is that who's never eaten pizza before?" Harris asked and I shrugged.

"Honestly natal you make the weirdest examples ever." Adam said and yusha and Aj nodded.

"Do you see the hate I'm getting I'm not talking to you guys." I said and they laughed.

"I'm going to be asking the questions." Adam said showing the lists. "Ok first question is never have I ever kissed someone of the opposite gender." Adam said I pointed to never and so did he rest of us.

"You just asked that to know if I ever kissed anyone be serious." I said and Adam nodded.

"Well I gotta know Harris isn't trying to make a move on you I mean look at him he's Harris he's pretty good looking and he's just him." Adam said and Harris coughed.

"Right here."Harris said and I shook my head.

"Anyways never have I ever spent more than 30 minutes just on my hair." Adam said and Harris and I put our on the I have side while Aj and Yusha said never.

"Aye." Harris and I said and high fives each other.


A few more minutes into the game and I heard a knock on my door and I opened it since I was sitting next to it and in came all the little kids.

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