"I promise."

"Good. I declare you, William Solace, king of the Kingdom of Sun!"

The crowd exploded in applause, but I was too busy sprinting out of that room to notice.

I sprinted to the room where Nico would be being killed.

Please be alright!
--------Npov------back in time to right after Will left------

I was feeling a lot better now that I know we have a plan. I wasn't sure if it would work or not, but....at least there's a chance it will.

"Mr. Di Angelo, you have been sentenced to death for the following: speaking without being spoken to. Attempted escape from the king.  Looking someone in the eye. Attacking royalty...." He kept saying all the things I did wrong.
When he finished I said, "I'm sorry?"

"I'm afraid an apology won't help."

They unlocked the cell door and then grabbed my arms.


'Take as long as possible'

"I need to tie my shoe." I said.


I bent down and pretended to not know how to tie my shoe.

"This is hard." I said.

"Well hurry up, we don't have all day."

I tied my shoelace in a knot.

"I can't untie this to redo it."

The soldier bent down to untie my shoe. I 'accidently' kicked him in the face.


"I'm sorry! My foot slipped!"

The soldier continued to untie it. Then he stood up and I continued to tie it.

"Uh....does the bunny ear go through here.... or there....?"

"Oh for goodness sake!" The soldier said, tying my shoe for me.

"Thanks." I said. I was probably making all the nekos look dumb, but I'd rather look dumb than die.

"Hurry up. We've got to kill you before Prince William becomes king."


"Because if we don't King Apollo will kill us."

"But if you kill me afterward, then King Apollo isn't king anymore and can't kill you."

"No, but Prince William can."

"He wouldn't."

"How do you know?"

"I met him."

"You? A neko? You met the prince? Yeah, right." He said sarcastically. "Now let's go."

He lead me out of the cell, and I noticed the cell across from me also had a bunch of people in it.

I knew who they were.

It was the the people who had spoken out against mistreating nekos.

"Darn it! I forgot the keys. I'll be right back. Stay there." The soldiers left and I turned to the people in the cell.

"What are your names?"





"THE MCSHIZZLE!" One guy said, "A.k.a. Leo Valdez, bad boy supreme."

"I'm Nico Di Angelo. Hey umm, I might be able to get you guys out."

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