Chapter 4

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 Well I went on my date, and he was an A-Hole with a capital A. Left me by the front door, actually i'm glad he did or I wouldn't have met this man. He looked to be about six foot-four, he had amazing hunter green eyes, and dark and rick looking black hair. His hair was a shaggy cut, and suited him perfectly.

 I was about to cry, when he said. "What is a beautiful woman standing at the door all alone for?" Oh my! He has a dark baritone. A very masculan voice, to die for.

 My date comes back before I could tell him that i'm not beautiful. He grabs my arm and I wince. "Come on! We have a table waiting for us."  Ow! Gosh! Doesn't he have the least bit of decency, I look up at his face and saw him in a stare down with the other man.

 I take a quick look at the other guy, and my breath caught His Hunter green eye, are a glow with gold specks. My date,( I think I should ask him his name?) I hear him tell the other guy.( crap I should have gotten his name.) "Don't touch, what isn't you'rs" Who says i'm his?!

 "Don't harm what isn't you'rs either." He growls back, and I almost became a liquefied puddle. His wolf must have come out, Oh! He cares he really cares. Wait! Why should I care that he cares?

 I felt my date flinch. "You hurt one hair on her body and I will personally rip off you man parts and shove them down your throut." I could hear him gulp, and then he dragged me quickly away.

 We talked for a bit, when I decided to look over at the other guy. I smiled dreamily at him. But his attention was else where, I looked in the direction he was staring at and my smile diminished. A beautiful Blondish black hair, and glowing sea green eyed woman was in his sights. I knew it, he would never look at me that way. With adoration, love, and awe. 

 When they hug I turn around. All through dinner I could feel someone's eyes on me. We had finished dinner when something terrible happened. My date, who's name is Nathan Ordered us some grape wine. We drank a little when he dumped his all over me. I don't know if it was accidental or not. But I was now very embarrassed. 

 Nathan smiled, and then turned. But what he saw made him turn sheet white. I looked over and saw the other man, the one who called me beautiful. He was walking this way, and he was the reason that Nathan ran. I about went after him, when his date, told me to come with her. I was about to run away, why would I go with someone who has the most wonderful man on the planet. She must have seen that and dragged me to a car. 

 She threw me in and sped off to who knows where. We drove for what felt like hours, but was really only ten minutes. On the drive I learned that her name was Susan Moon, and she was his Mother. I felt embarrassed and she laughed at my face. She told me that being jealous is good. Being dumbfounded I asked why.

 She snikered and said. "Honey only a jelous wolf, is going to want to rip off another wolf head for going near her chosen Mate. No female in her right mind would try and steal a wolf's chosen away. Unless they had a death wish."

Well since I know your wondering, and I know i'm wondering so i'll ask. "What is a chosen?"

She sighed and laughed a small tired laugh. "The chosen mate is the one male that can replace your true mate. He is the only one, you have chosen my son for that. I am a happy woman. A chosen Mate is a mate that the female chooses. The male is the first one to chose. But if he was to reject you, then your wolf would go and search for a suitable mate for the both of you." She pats my head.

"But why me?" I ask.

She turns with a weird look on her face. "Well why not?" She replied.

I'm stumped. "Well because i'm not pretty, like you. I don't have a dainty look about me. I'm sorta plump." I point to my not so skinny figure.

A werewolf, with mate Issues.Where stories live. Discover now