Chapter 3

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  I was sitting in a restaurant when a male comes in with a beautiful woman right behind him. He opened the door and left her standing on the other side of the door. I growl, how dare that man treat a beautiful woman like trash. I stand up and went to the door, she looked about to cry. I open the door. "What is a beautiful woman standing at the door all alone for?"

 She looked about to say something when the a-hole came rushing back. His eyes glowing, oh so he's a wolf. Well later on when I can catch him we will fight for her honour. Like my ma always said, no man deserves a woman, if he can't treat her like a queen.

 "Come on! We have a table waiting for us." He ushers her a way, but not before saying.

"Don't touch, what isn't you'rs" He growls. While I stare him down. I am an Alpha's Alpha. I am the alpha of my Pack, The Moonlit Pack. We are th third most powerful pack in the world, and I didn't get their by showing weakness to a mutt.

"Don't harm what isn't you'rs either." My voice all gravely, with my wolf coming out. He wanted to kill him, we didn't like any male treating their dates like crap. He flinches under my gaze and I smile with pride.

"You hurt one hair on her body and I will personally rip off you man parts and shove them down your throut." He gulps and runs away with his tail between his legs.

 A woman walks in the door, and I smile. Finally she's here. She has blonde black hair, and sea green eyes. She walks up and hugs me. "Hey sweet-heart! How are you."

 We sit down, and I look in her eyes. "Hi Mom. I'm good, how are you?" She smiles.

"I'm great sweetie! Your father just bought us a trip to Fiji. It took allot of convincing but I wore him down. Enough about me baby. When are you going to find a Mate?" Here we go again.

"Mom I told you I haven't found her, and I doubt I will. Not every wolf finds his soul mate." I look over at that beautiful girl and smiled.

"Why don't you marry some nice sweet......" I glare.

"Don't even finish that sentence. I am not marrying any one but my Mate. Case closed." I look over at her again. But this time my mom catches me and she smiles with glee.

"Is it her?" She asks, her sea green eyes twinkling.

I shake my head. "I don't know Ma." My heart breaks, I wish it where. She would be a grand Mate. She would be my queen, and I would treat her like one. My Mama didn't raise no fool. I know how to treat a woman.

 When my mother gasps, I look at her. She's pointing at something behind me. I turn and my wolf takes over. The man who acompaned the beautiful woman, just spilled something all over her. I jump up, and all eyes turn toward me. But quickly turned away, my green eyes are shining gold. My fangs are appearing from behind my lips, and that means my wolf is out to kill.

I look down at my mother. "Take her to the pack house." She looks scared but obeys.

 I walk. He turns facing me, took one look at my face and turned tail. He ran, making my wolf excited. I shake my head mentally. He done it now. We make it out the back down before, I shift. My dark brown fur, raised and blowing in the wind. I howl. The chase is on.

 I run faster than I ever have before. I sniffed the air, he's shifted too. I grin evilly, my wolf going crazy. He was looking forward to messing with the young arrogant pup. I heard paws slapping the ground. We're getting closer, I pushed myself, and we jumped. I landed on something, hearing a grunt I jump off.

 We circle each other, both our wolves fighting for dominance with the other. He tried to leave. What a wimp, who ever trained him must have been a wimp too. I catch him by the scruff, and yanked down. He fell on the forest floor with a thump. He whines, as I tighten my hold.

A werewolf, with mate Issues.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя