A werewolf, with mate Issues.

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 Rebbecca Ezzelle has two wonderful parents and loving siblings. She has a tendency to go wolf. Her blue eyes will glow an eerie blue mixed with yellow. She has dark curly brown hair that sometimes goes furry. One day when she was working at her families deli, she met a man who made her tingle. She gave him her number, and has him call her later. To set up for a date. Another man walks in the door and her wolf howls. 

 Rebbecca is not a normal werewolf, her family is actually rich. She has tons of men beating down her door. They are what you'd call money hunters. Some just want the money and others want the title of being the prince of wolves.

 Oh did I not mention that she's a princess. Her father is the king of wolves. Not the actual king, but a king none the less. She works in secret, at a deli, her father bought it so she can try having a normal life. She meets a Man. He's six-foot, black hair and the most amazing green eyes. She thought she found her one and only, but there's a catch she also found another man with same features. But his  wolf calls to mine. 

 Except there's a problem one man's after her money and power, and the other one is after her heart. Will she get the right one, or will the power hungry man capture her heart and steal away her cash, and leave her heart broken and lonely. 

 She also has a secret.

A werewolf, with mate Issues.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя