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*Five years ago*


 I was sixteen at the time, my dad was sitting in our dinning room, and mom was getting breakfast ready. I had on a sports-bra, and short shorts. The door bell rang, and innocent me just skipped to the door. I opened it with a giant smile that vanished as soon as I saw who it was. 

"Daddy! Sardine face is here!" I sneered up at him.

 His name really isn't sardine face, it's actually Derick. He was an old boy-friend. But when he tried getting in my pants, I knew what he wanted, he was trying to get me pregnant so I would have to marry him to save the family name. What a bore, my body  had shifted. 

 The bones cracking, my body going to wolf. My hands shifting to claws. I howled, shaking out my fur. I glare down at him. His blue eyes widen in fear, I growl showing my fangs. My wolf and I were pickled off. I grin, and swiped my big paws down his face. 

 Hence why I call him sardine face. I messed his face up bad, and I don't care. He was going to do worse, he was going to steal my innocence. A girl can never get that back, and sometimes a wolf will reject his mate for giving what was rightfully his to another man. 

 Years later I might feel bad for doing that. But that might be after my Mate kicks him to let's just say a very far place.Males are very possessive. That one guy killed another male for trying to kiss his girl. The only reason I know what happened was the guy who did the killing was my brother Taz.

 He told me that his friend's friend, decided that an Alpha female was hard to resist. At the time I had no idea what that had meant. But I know better now, It was so gross that i'm not even going to say what happened, or what was going to happen. Taz's Mate Veronica, was trying to get him to leave her alone. But he didn't, so when Taz saw him man handle her. His wolf went crazy and killed him.

 Let's get off of that sad story, and go onto another one. My best friend May, had gotten pregnant. Her family made her Mate with the man who wasn't her's. He was never home, and one day was found dead. May was happy, her pregnancy was going great. i was going to be the God-mother. We where all happy, until the day of the pregnancy.

  She was doing great when all of a sudden. Her heart beat spiked up, and her tempeture went to freezing. But no one could do anything until the baby came out. They did a quick c-section, and started working on her right away. 

 They told us she had an hour before she dies. So we all went in and said hi. I walked over to her and handed the baby girl to her. "So may what are you going to name her?"

She sighs happily. "Her names going to be Sunny."

"That's a sweet name." I smile wobbly

"Becca, I know I'm going to die, and I want you to take care of her. Treat her as you would if she was. You have to promise me, please Becca you have to." She stares at me.

"I will May. I will. But I don't want you to go, May. who will help remind me that i'm a human, and not some spoiled rich kid."

"Sunny will, and Becca I love you."

"I love you too." But she was already gone.

 I looked over at Sunny, and cried. Never before have I cried, but losing your best friend can do that to you. I grabbed baby Sunny and made my way home. The hospital gave me all the stuff I need. I set up everything, and made a baby bottle. 

 Let's get of that one, and go to a happier moment. I'm now twenty-one, and I think I found my Mate. But the problem is there's to of them. One is lying and the other one is my real Mate. But how do I know who's the real one. I have no idea. But maybe i'll find out.

A werewolf, with mate Issues.Where stories live. Discover now