Chapter 7

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 Oh the pain! After I talked with momma, I went out back and played on the little play ground grandpa built me. I know momma isn't my real momma. I know that my real momma died while giving birth to me. I felt sad that she died. I never knew her, momma said that if I didn't want to call her momma. That was fine with her. But I saw her tears and sadness lurking in the depths of her blue eyes. She told me I looked exactly like my momma, they must have been really good friends. 

 I told her I would like to be her daughter, and if she wouldn't mind I would like to call her momma. She's the only momma I have, I have my real mother but she's dead. I do see her sometimes, she's a ghost yeah. But I don't think she's found peace yet. I know she wants to be alive, but I think she's glad that Rebbecca's my momma. Sometimes I think momma wishes that she would have died instead of May, my mother.

"Mom? Why haven't you gone to heaven?" I ask her, for the hundredth time. She always tells me the same thing. I was scared when I saw her ghost, but not for long. I am a werewolf. We don't scare easily.

"I haven't found the peace that i'm looking for. That is all I can tell you." Her ghost isn't see through, more like a solid person, that can go through walls, and disappear as quickly as she appeared.

"Mom, what will my shift be like?"

"Your father, he had some magic. So all I can say is that it may or may not be as painful." I shake my head. 

  I climb on up the stairs, and sat on top of the slide. I go to slide down when I felt an excruciating pain. It started from the base of my toes and the top of my head. I fell from the slide screaming. "Momma! momma!" 


  I ran from the hospital, I ran for the woods, to shift. I barely make it, before my body starts to change. My silver fur, fluffed out. My blue eyes, glistening with fear, for my little Sunny. I shake out the kinks as I run for home. 

 I ran into a tree, probably broke a bone or two. But I still ran, I make it home in an hour. What would have taken a normal person three hours, took me only one. I jump the six-foot fence and landed in the back yard. 

 I skidded to a stop in front of Sunny's convulsing body. I laid my paw on her back and rubbed. The convulsing quieted, she was breathing heavy now. I stood up, and circled her, she cried out in pain, as her spin arched in the air. I whine. 

 My wolf and I are drenched in fear. My mother walks over in her wolf shape. She had creamy white fur, and brown eyes. My dad walks up close behind her. His dark grey fur, complementing mom's white fur. His blue eyes, gleaming with worry over his granddaughter.

"Daughter you musen't show fear. You are making her worry." I whine, why doesn't she understand, if I was to lose Sunny I would have no sun. 

"Mommy! I'm sooo scared for my Sunny."  I cry.

"Be strong for her, she needs you." I bow my head, I walk closer to Sunny.

 I remember how she loved hearing my poems, I would come up with a new one, and she would be on my tail wanting to know all about my new creation. I quickly made one up. "Sunny, baby would you like to hear my new poem?"

 She looks up at me. "yes Momma, I would very much like to hear your new poem." Her voice was so soft I barely could hear her. 

"I'm a lost cause without you,

Don't leave me,

I need your comforting arms around me,

A werewolf, with mate Issues.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu