Chapter 1

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Present time


 It's my twenty-first birthday, and I was spending it at the deli. I wasn't eating there like a normal human would do. But then again i'm not human, i'm a werewolf. I'm a princess to be precise. Anyway I was working at the deli my dad bought, so I could have a normal life, normal job, and even meet a normal Mate. 

 It was like any old day, except a man walked in. He looks in my direction and my palms started sweating. My eyes widen and I almost blacked out. He walks over to the counter, and says. "Hey babe! Can I have a Salami on rye, and your phone number?"

I blush, no man has ever shown any entrest. So the first words I utter were. "ME! I-I-I-I-I mean your asking me out!" 

"Yea, babe do you see any other beautiful girls around here. Come on babe give me your number." I see my best friend looking at me odd, and I shrugged before turning back to him. 

"O-O-okay, here's your sandwich, and here is my nu-nu-number." Eeeep! I barely survived that. How would I surivive a date!?

"I uh call you later." I watch as he walk away, damn what a fine tushie!

 I laugh a little. Turning around I see a cup laying on the floor. I bend over to pick it up and someone wolf whistles. I finish picking it up and I threw it away. I turn back to the counter and screamed. Standing at the counter is a sexy piece of male. He had on some really dorky glasses. But his eyes, were almost a moss green, and thick black luscious hair. 

 He reaches over the counter, and puts his hand under my chin. "Your mouth is kinda open." Oh my! His voice is so sexy, I shiver. 

"Oh uh Oops! So what would you like to have?" I blush, and my wolf growls.

"You, I would like to have you." My eyes popped out of my head. 


"Yeah, your just so incredibly sexy." Oh my! I fan myself.

 He may be a nerd but he is one sexy nerd. " I meant what kinda sandwich?" I flutter my eye lashes, and his eyes flash. I suck in my breath, is he a were too? Nah maybe it's my imagination.

He chuckles. "Okay if you insist. Can I have your number on a honey  wheat, with a kiss on top?" I blush to the roots.

 Oh yea you can so have a kiss. Jeez! I'm practically drooling. I gulp, and swiped my tongue across my lips. I peek under my lashes and his eye are glowing, and I can hear little growls. I shiver, and licked my lips again. You could hear him shudder. "How about this you let me take you on a date tonight, and i'll forget the sandwich."

 No! "Yes i'll go out with you tonight." I groan inwardly, I already have a date. 

He smiles, and I think he knows what's going through my mind. "I'll need your number?" Oh! 

I grab a paper towel and scribbled my number down, I hand it to him. My hand brushes his, sparks flew, and my wolf and I both groaned. "here ya go, I'll see you at six-fifteen?"

"Sure, my lady." And he kisses my hand. He walks out the door with a very fine.......uh never mind.

"What in the name of wolf, do you think your going to do with two men?" Doom! I tell ya, but there the first guys to show an ounce of interest.

"I don't know, I think i'll just wait and see." I look at her. She's my best friend since I moved here. Her name is Taylor, and she is the only one who knows the whole deal. The fact i'm a princess and a werewolf princess at that. She stands at about five-five, chocolate brown eyes, and black curly hair. 

"What are you going to tell Sunny?" Sunny is my sunshine, she's not my biological daughter, but I trest her like she was.

"The truth, we don't lie to one another." I turn around and went back to work.


 At four-thirty, I left work and went to the day care. I park my car, a Frontier red truck. I walk up the side-walk, and up to the doors. I breath out, and yanked the doors open. "Mommy!!!! You made!"

"Of-course I did, sweet-heart!" I pick her up and set her on my hip. 

 Sunny has curly golden blonde hair, and dark blue eyes. She's four and a half. Jumping out of my arms she starts tugging me. "Mommy! Come here. You have ta see what I made." She smiles hugely.

 I walk with her, and we came across a portrait with a little girl and a wolf. I look down at her and she says with pride. "I made it today, isn't it pretty Mommy?" Don't get me wrong it wasn't a Leonardo DA vinci painting. It was cute little stick figures. 

 I bent down to her eye level, and kissed her on the nose. "Of-course baby-cakes. It's beautiful!" I started tickling her, and giving quick kisses. Before picking her up. I say bye to her teacher and made our way to my car. 

"Sweet-heart your going to stay with Grammy, tonight okay?" I put her in a car seat.

"But why Mommy?" She blinks those blue eyes, that are so much like my friends. I start to get teary eyed.

"Mommy's gonna go on a date with a man." A sexy nerd, yummy!

"Oh! Am I gonna get a Daddy, like all the other kids?" Oh boy!

"Maybe sweet-heart. But I have to date him to know if he's got good daddy potential." I explain.

"Oh! Okay Mommy. I'll go and spend time with grammy, and grandpa."


"Okay, Mom. You have everything right?" I can't seem to leave.

"Sweet-heart, I've raised six kids I think I can handle one night. You go have fun on your date, and then come home and give me all the juicy details." My mother wiggles her eye brows up and down.

"Ewww!! Mom seriously? Did you have to go there?" I hug her, and went to see my little angel.

"Okay, baby-cakes. Don't give gammy and grandpa a hard time. Eat dinner, and behave. Oh! I'll miss you so much." I grab her in a big hug.

"Mommy! You know i'm always a good girl." She giggles. "Now go and have fun." She then started to push me out the door.

"I love you baby! Love ya mom, and dad. See ya later!" I pout as the door shuts on my face.

I hope I can last, seeing how this is my first date, since ever. I'm extremely nervous. I have on a black silk dress that has a slit on the right side. I have my favorite pair of ear rings on, there a sapphire studded pair. I have on a pair of high heels, there black with a heart diamond on the tippy-top. 

My phone rings, and I stop breathing. I pick it up. "Hello?" 

"Hey gorgeous, you ready for our date." I think I'm a puddle on the floor. Someone bring a mop.

"Y-y-yes, yes I am. Where do you want to meet?" 

"I'll pick you up at the deli, and I can't wait." He hangs up, and i'm still a puddle on the floor. Did I mention that I needed a mop?

A werewolf, with mate Issues.Where stories live. Discover now