I wanted to talk to Harry, I know it’s probably way late over there but I wanted to talk to him. I grabbed my phone and dialled his number

It rang and rang. I knew he wouldn’t answer and that he might be asleep, but then he picked up

“Hello, Chase, is everything ok” he said, his voice rough and tired

Chase you idiot, he sounds shattered

“Yeah everything is fine, I’m sorry for waking you” I whimpered

“Are you crying? What’s wrong” he asked sounding a little more awake now

“I’m ok I swear, I just said goodbye to my mum and I’m on my way to the airport now” I said trying to convince him I was ok

“Oh baby don’t cry, it’s not a bad thing. It’s sad, yeah I know, but it’s for the best. There’s a whole new world out there and you have to see it, so don’t get yourself down, everything will be ok” he said

“Thanks Harry that made me feel better” I said, honestly it did

“Ok then, wipe those tears away and I’ll see you when you land” he said softly

“I can’t wait” I said with a smile

“Neither can I” he said “Bye Chase”

“Bye Harry” I said, then hung up

No more feeling sad, I can do this. Goodbye New Zealand heellooo London!!

Harry’s P.O.V

“Who were you having midnight phone calls with Haz” Louis said with a wink as he placed a cup of tea in front of me. I took a small sip

“Chase, she should be on a plane now. She rang me crying” I told him as I took another sip of my tea

“Crying, is she ok?” he asked worried

“Yeah she’s fine I think she’s just overwhelmed with saying goodbye to her mum, her family and her home” I explained

“When does she land?” he said

“Sometime late tomorrow night I think or early hours of the morning I have to find out because I want to meet her there” I said

“Well I look forward to seeing her” he said with a cheeky smile

“You and me both Lou, how’s Eleanor doing” I asked

“She’s good, she gets her cast off next week, I can’t wait” he said shaking his head. I chuckled

“Morning boys” Liam called as he walked into the kitchen and strait to the fridge

“Morning” Louis and I both said at the same time

“Plans for today Liam?” I asked

Liam closed the fridge carrying a bottle of water and headed for the door

“No plans for later yet, but right now I’m off to the gym, see you guys” he said. He opened up the door and gave us a wave

Louis waved to him and I said goodbye then the door closed

“Well then what about you Haz, any plans for today?” Louis asked me

“As a matter of fact yes, I want to go shopping for a present for Chase, do you wanna come?” I replied

“Sure mate sounds good” he said with a smile

“Ok then, well I’m just going to take a shower then we can go” I said as I gulped back the last of my tea and stood up to leave

I went to my bedroom to grab my clothes then headed to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and quickly undressed, hopping in and letting the hot water run over me. After I had spent a good twenty minutes in there I turned off the water and stepped out into a now steaming bathroom. I dried myself off with a towel and got dressed, I brushed my teeth and ran some product through my hair, feeling satisfied with the way I looked I headed back out to the kitchen to find Louis dressed and waiting

“Shall we do this then” I said and he smiled

“Sure Haz let’s go” he replied

I grabbed my wallet and my keys off the kitchen counter top and we both headed for the door

Louis and I spent half the day out looking at various shops for the perfect present. I settled on a small silver charm bracelet that had one single charm on it, a heart with a pink jewel in the middle, because I know her favourite colour is pink and she already has my heart

Louis and I grabbed some lunch at a little corner café before we headed home. When we got home I opened the door to find Niall sprawled out across the sofa fast asleep. I smiled at Louis who closed the door quietly, he smiled back before heading off to his room. I walked over to Niall and gave him a gentle nudge

“Hey Ni, wake up” I whispered

“Hmm, hey, yeah, what, what happened” he groaned rubbing his eyes

“Shh it’s ok it’s just me Harry” I said

“Ha-Harry, where was everyone? I woke up this morning and nobody was here” he said as he sat up

“Liam went to the gym, and he’s probably with Sophia now. I haven’t heard from Zayn since last night and Louis and I went shopping you were asleep I didn’t want to wake you” I explained

“Oh ok, what did you get?” he asked

I pulled out the little box and showed him the charm bracelet I got for Chase

“That’s really nice Harry she’s going to love it” he said with a small smile

I really hope she does, I thought to myself

The Next Night/Morning…

I woke up to my alarm going off at about 1am I wanted to throw it through the wall, but then I remembered why I was waking up, my girl was flying in soon and I couldn’t wait to see her. I got up and threw some sweat pants on, I pulled a hoodie over my head and slipped on some sneakers. I headed to the kitchen to get some water before I left and the light was already on and the fridge was open

“Ni?” I asked and his blonde head popped out from behind the fridge door

“Hey Harry” he said quietly “I couldn’t sleep”

“I just woke up, I’m heading to the airport to get Chase do you want to come” I said

I know he’d be thinking that there will be no point in him coming because he doesn’t know that Steph is coming. He’s so down and I just want to make him smile so if I can get him to come with me I know for a fact he will be happy by the end of it

“I don’t know Harry, I don’t want to be in the way of you two” he said looking at the ground

“You won’t be Ni, I’m sure Chase will be just as happy to see you aswell” I told him “Besides would you rather stay here awake while all the boys are asleep, or come for a ride with me” I smiled my toothiest grin, I know he won’t be able to resisit

“Ok Harry” he chuckled “I’ll come”

“Good let’s go then” I smiled as I grabbed his arm and my keys and we headed out the door

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