Last chapter: Chapter 6: Disco Panic

Start from the beginning

Below you, Starish, Quartet Night and Heavens had heard the cracks, felt the mortar, and seen come a little closer to them. They all stared with wide eyes at the scene, and none of them knew what to do. Was this the end?

You and Eiichi were now hanging by a thin thread, as the disco ball had descended further down.
You clung to each other, as you looked up to see the last strand of the cord split from the ceiling, and you were sent flying down to the colorshifting dancefloor.
You both screamed and hugged each other tightly, you were sure this was the end. And then you felt it, the collusion between the disco ball and the floor, only to be send flying upwards again.
Confused you opened your eyes to look at Eiichi, who looked just as shocked as you. The disco ball descended downwards again, hit the floor, and then flew up again, it continued to do this, loosing height with each jump. The disco ball was in reality a giant bouncy ball. Why, was a really good question.
As you hit the floor for the last time, you and Eiichi were sent flying off the giant bouncy ball, landing on each side of the ball on  your backs, right in front of the others. You laid for a few seconds, staring at the cracks in the ceiling, thinking of what just happened. Your thoughts were though soon interrupted by Reiji, rushing to you picking you up from the floor and swirling you around in a giant hug, while crying out: "Oh (y/n)-chan I was so scared that we had lost you there!"
You could only mutter out a: "Uhu" as all the air in your body was being hugged out of you.
He finally put you down, and the rest came over to you, all with worried expressions and saying things like: "Are you ok?" "Are you hurt" "Do you need to sit down?"
You actually felt fine, considering what had just happened. But then you remembered, your items where in the disco ball, and you had to get it before Eiichi got to it. Without thinking you turned around, and threw yourself at the giant ball. Eiichi too had gotten up, and had Heavens babying him, and then he saw you, and made a face of a mixture between rage, and defeat.
"(Y/n) what you doing?" Masato asked, quite concerned that you had hit your head.
"Our stuff is in here! And I'm not letting go of it!" You stated, rolling the ball over to Starish and Quartet Night.
"Anybody have a sharp object so I can puncture this thing?" You asked the boys.
Ren pulled out a dart, again nobody asked, but Masato just made a disgusted face, and in the background you could hear Van squeak. You took the dart from Ren, and smashed it into the giant ball, this thing had caused you enough trouble, and you felt no shame as it popped and sunk to the floor. You continued carving a hole in the ball, and dug your items out from the once proud disco ball.

You all found your respective missing item. Ranmaru basically threw himself at the little box containing his purple eye contact, throwing off the eye patch and putting the contact in its right place, his aesthetics were finally back to normal. Tokiya had a heartwarming reunion with his teddy bear, Mr. Fuzzle, how you wished you had filmed the always cool and calm idol hugging an old, worn teddy bear. Otoya picked up all of his guitar picks and shoved them down his suit. Syo found his nail polish and did the same. Cecil took his concealer, and started smearing it across his face, slowly regaining his golden brown color. Masato found his make-up bag, and started applying the different make-up to his face. Natsuki found his glasses, and had Syo help him put them on, without releasing the beast. Ren took his shampoo and hair gel, and applied the gel to his hair, as it earned back its usual shine. Camus saw his key to his candy cabinet and threw himself at it, hanging it around his neck. Reiji cried when he saw his maracas, and started shaking them around wildly. Ai looked at the USB-drive that contained his emotions, were in the world should he put this thing? He turned it in his hand a couple of times, before sticking it in his nose, his eyes glowing a weird green color, and a sudden ray of emotions hit him, and he was back to normal, still looking as unamused as before. You lastly spotted your phone and grabbed it from the disco ball, checking it didn't have any cracks or scratches, it was fine.
You also took Tomochika's hairbrush and Shining's diary, you mostly wanted to burn the damn thing, but you just held onto it.
"Well, it looks like we lost" Eiichi said defeatingly.
You all turned around to look at him, glad that this thing was finally over. Or was it.
"But it seems that you are forgetting something" Nagi said, "Or rather someone" Shion finished.
And for the second time that day, realization hit you like an avalanche. They still had Haruka.
"Give her back" Tokiya was the first to speak, it was clear that he was tired too.
"It unfortunately, for you, won't be that simple" Van said.
"What do you want us to do?"Ranmaru asked annoyed.
"Well it's not exactly all of you that I want to do something" Eiichi started.
You all looked confused at him, what did he mean this time?
"You see I have noticed that a song haven't played yet, and I'm pretty sure it should come up soon, you see I was the one who made the playlist" Eiichi continued, sounding quite proud of himself.
You all continued to stare at him.
"It's the perfect song for you, (Y/n)" He said, giving you a wicked smile. 
"Me?" You asked, "why me?" You continued.
"I'm sure you have heard of it, it's ABBA's 'Gimme Gimme Gimme'" Eiichi started.
You jaw dropped as you looked at him, was he serious?
Before you could say anything, he spoke again: "and I thought that since you are the only girl here, it would fit quite perfectly"
Your eyes visibly twitched as he said those words, and you said: "No, never, no, I'm not doing that. I've danced enough disco for one night, and I'm not dancing alone to some single dance with 18 boys watching, never. I have standards and a reputation you know"
Eiichi shrugged and said: "Guess you will have to kiss your composer goodbye then" looking daringly at you.
"(Y/n)-chan" Otoya started, you turned to look at the young boy as he continued: "We promise to close our eyes while you dance" Your eyes softened a bit looking at all the boys.
"And besides, in that outfit your reputation was already ruined" Ai stated bluntly.
That made you glare at the boy, his emotions had been returned, but not much had changed.
You knew that you had to do it in order to get Haruka, and probably Tomochika, back, but man did you not feel like dancing to another cheesy song this night.
"We won't record you either" Natsuki said reassuringly. As you looked back at the boys, you could have sworn that at least five of them sighed deeply and packed their phones away.
You sighed deeply and said defeatingly: "Ok then, I'll do it, but only for Haruka, and if any on you EVER mention this again, I will make your life a living hell" All the boys nodded understandingly, and smiled reassuringly at you.
You turned around to face Heavens, and said: "Ok then, bring it, four-eyes" refering to Eiichi.
They all smirked rather pleased with themselves.
"You get the rules, right (Y/n)?" Eiji asked.
You looked at the young Otori with a questioning look.
"You have to dance to the full length of the song, only when the song is finished, we will return Haruka to you" He explained.
You nodded understandingly. It could have been worse. And there were still people at the party dancing, so you weren't completely alone on the dance floor.
You could do this, you were an idol, a good idol, you knew how to dance and perform, you had done it many times, alone and together with other idols, this would be easy. Just one more dance and you could all return home, and never speak of this night ever again. That thought made you happy, and you felt more or less ready for the sure embarrassment that was about to hit you.
The room suddenly grew quiet and a spotlight shone on you, those damned Heavens. The spotlight started shifting colors, and you soon heard the well known intro to the classic. You closed your eyes and started tapping your right leg to the beat. Letting your arms hang loose, to get in one with the music. Heavens wasn't gonna win this. As the singing started you started out with a classic disco move the 'disco finger' pointing your index finger towards the floor, then the ceiling. Next up you did the 'rolling arms' and then the build up for the chorus started, you had the perfect plan. Was it embarrassing? Yes. But it was bulletproof.
As you heard the 'Gimme Gimme Gimme a man after midnight' line, you stretched one arm a time pulling it towards you again, almost like doing the 'lasso' just without throwing a lasso. The boys had already had trouble with keeping their laughs in, but as you did that move, most of them cracked up. It was perfect, indicating that you wanted 'a man after midnight' was sure to seal the deal. Even some of the guys from Heavens had to look the other way, it was simply to funny.
As the song continued, you kept dancing, trying to ignore the giggles and chuckles in the background, repeating the 'gimme gimme gimme a man after midnight' move every time it was said. You also swung on arm at a time around in the air when the keyboard had a solo. And pushed your hands away from you to 'chase the shadows away'. All in all you improvised quite a lot, still maintaining the disco moves once in awhile.

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