
The Hall of Justice was still holding itself together impressively, but just barely. Wreckage from it was all over the outside and the inside, the glass on every window was shattered, the massive statues of the Justice League were either chipped or their body parts were missing.

"They're really gone." I heard Robin say quietly. M'gann flew over to the head of her uncle's statue, which had fallen off and was now in the middle of the floor surrounded by other large rocks. She started crying at the foot of it, and I turned away because I didn't want to start feeling bad for her at this exact moment. I looked around at the other wreckage, and all of it reminded me of the ruins back in Greece because everything was in ruins in Greece, but now there was probably nothing left there but ash.

I turned back to M'gann as I heard the crunch of rocks moving and saw that M'gann had moved the head of her uncle, and in the wreckage that it was laying on I saw her actual uncle.

"Uncle J'onn!" She exclaimed and flew towards him, flinging the statue head across the hall towards my direction. I ducked and watched as it crashed behind me, feeling the ground shake beneath me. I turned back around and saw that within those seconds, Conner had already gotten mad.

"But we saw you get disintegrated! You and Superman. And everyone."

"Yes, I remember. But... I cannot remember how I survived. Or how I arrived hear." And those were the exact same things I was wondering. How did he survive? And since he survived, out of all the places he should be, why was he here? Right where we were?

"Maybe you were density shifting and the beams passed right through you." M'gann suggested.

"Scrambling your brains along the way!" Robin finished, and he sounded a bit excited. The did make a bit of sense, but that still didn't explain as to why he was here.

"My mind is clouded. I feel certain I had something important to tell you."

"Robin! I  thought of something! Come on!" Wally exclaimed and sprinted out the building. Robin looked at me, and gestured me to follow, too. "Just in case we need back up." I nodded and followed him out.We exited the building and saw Wally standing right by the alien cannon attached to the bioship. "Robin, check the particles in this!"Robin looked at him suspiciously, but brought up his scanner and used it on the cannon. The results came quickly, and what I saw didn't really make sense to me because I was never good at science, but it made perfect sense to Wally.

"I knew it! Look! It's giving off zanopenes, the same stuff that powers our zeta tubes. This thing doesn't disintegrate, it-it teleports. Artemis is alive!" Wally exclaimed over the telepathic link, but Robin and I weren't so sure.

"Maybe, but--"

"No maybes. They're all alive!" Wally yelled happily.

"But, Wally, what if they used the zanowhatevers differently? Like they were programmed differently and they aren't alive." I said.

"They don't work like that. But why would you ask such a thing? Do you want Artemis to be dead?" Wally asked, anger lacing through his voice.

"Of course not!" I said defensively. "I just don't want you to be disappointed if the teleportation thing isn't the case."

"Well, it's obviously the case! Look at Martian Manhunter!"

"That must've been what you wanted to tell us!" M'gann chimed in, and I was guessing she was saying it to her uncle. I was about to protest again, saying that we still don't know how he got there so we don't know if he actually survived, but I couldn't even start my sentence because I heard the sounds of oncoming airships. I looked up into the cloudy, rust-colored sky and saw dozens of incoming alien ships. They started shooting at us, and Robin, Wally, and I quickly found shelter behind a military jeep. There were a few other soldiers back there with us, each had a gun in hand. I felt sorry for both of them, because if something were to happen to us, those guns weren't going to do much for them.

"We're on our way." Aqualad said, but Robin knew he would have trouble getting out here.

"Negative. We can't win this." Robin said, and it was the truth. There were too many ships. "Miss Martian, camo the Bio-Ship!" He ordered, and I looked over my shoulder and saw the Bio-Ship hovering in the air, but a flash of orange light replaced it, and the ship was gone in a split second. I looked from Wally to Robin, and Robin looked back at me.

"We're going to fall back and go inside." He ordered and I nodded. "You hear that, Wally?" Wally nodded, too.

"I'll stay in the back, and watch you guys from behind." I said. "Make sure the soldiers go." Robin nodded at me and carefully stood up, gesturing for the soldiers to go first. Wally followed behind them, then Robin, and finally me. I kept a watchful eye on the sky, making sure none of the ships were coming too close. It was fine for the first couple of seconds, but out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. I turned and saw two ships flying towards the group, and one of them shot and the laser was going straight to Robin.

"Robin, look out!" I yelled, and he barely got out of the way in time. I sighed with relief, and sent a bolt of lightning at the ship that shot him, knocking it out of the sky. I was about to be relieved again, but then I remembered the other ship.

"Logan!" I heard Robin yell as I turned behind me and faced a flash of orange light. It hit me, and I felt hot for a second, and the next second, I felt nothing.

The Storm: A Young Justice FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now