The Bright Side of Fusion

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"And that's how we found out that Sapphire has future vision." Connie explained to Pee Dee, sitting on the beach next to him and her brother.

"Man, you guys sure have some awesome adventures." Pee Dee commented.

"You think that was weird, you should hear about the time Lion decided to try and attack Ruby on one of our trips." Steven said. "I of course stopped him."

"Heh, whatever bro." Connie said.

A vibration could be heard, Steven and Connie turning to see Pee Dee pulling his phone out of his pocket. He turned it on and immediately groaned.

"What's wrong?" Connie asked Pee Dee.

"Ronaldo. He's been bugging me all week about some dumb alien thing. He's been trying to get me to do all sorts of things to 'attract' them here for his blog or something. Now, he's moved on to trying to teach me how to dance or something like that. Says that it's for the betterment of the entire human race."

Connie cracked a grin. "Betterment of the human race. Sounds like a huge responsibility. What are you going to do?"

Pee Dee smiled, laying back. "Just ignore him until he gets over it and moves to some other stupid thing to bug me about... Hopefully back to sneople. I don't have to worry about anything if it's that."

Steven's face lit up. "Oh my gosh, Connie...what if you taught him how to dance?"

"What?!" Connie and Pee Dee exclaimed.

"Yea, Pee Dee needs to learn how to dance and you're one of the best dancers I've ever seen!" Steven exclaimed.

"I'm the only dancer you've ever seen." Connie responded.

"So who else better than you?" Steven asked.

Pee Dee looked to the ground. "I don't know."

Connie thought for a moment before smiling. "You know what? Why not? It could be fun."

"Wait, really?" Pee Dee asked.

"Sure. We'll just be two friends dancing together. It could be a fun new experience." Connie told him.

Pee Dee Slowly worked up an awkward smile. "I guess it couldn't hurt."

"Great!" Steven said, pushing the Peedee and Connie close to each other. "Wait right there while I go put on some music!" Steven told the duo.

Connie and Pee Dee stood in front on each other awkwardly, each trying to avoid eye contact as the sweet music played on from the phone.

"I'm sorry." Connie said, giving a grin. "Steven's just trying to help; he's really not trying to make this awkward."

"I know." Pee Dee told her. "He's my friend too."

Connie let out a sigh of relief. At least Pee Dee didn't seem to hold any hard feelings.

After a few more moments of silence, Connie managed to make herself look at Pee Dee, turning away as she noticed that he had done the same.

Connie suddenly managed a laugh, earning a confused look from Pee Dee. "Sorry." Connie said amongst her laughter. "It's just...what's happening now is really silly. We can hang out together so easily. Heck, we hung out yesterday with no trouble at all. It's kind of funny to think about how awkward we're acting right not."

"You know what, you're right." Pee Dee said, laughing with her. "I don't know why this is so hard. All it is dancing." Pee Dee straightened up a little. "I said I wanted to help and that's exactly what I'm going to do." Pee Dee shakily offered his hand to Connie. "So, may I have this dance."

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