Ocean Gem

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"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Ruby said, pounding the floor angrily.

Connie, who had been watching the red gem do this for a few minutes, turned her attention to Sapphire and Opal.

"Are you sure you didn't hit him in the gem?" Opal asked.

"I've already told you, I'm very certain that we didn't crack his gem. We only hit close enough to make him go unconscious." Sapphire explained for the twentieth time. "And, before you say it, if I was wrong, I doubt it will break completely. We should be able to fix it at Rose's fountain as soon as we find him if it is the case."

Opal grumbled to herself, unsure about the situation.

Ruby stopped pounding the ground and looked out the window. "Uh, guys?"

"Ruby, can't you see we're in the middle of crisis!" Opal exclaimed.

Ruby narrowed her eyes at the tall gem. "Oh okay, I guess you wouldn't like to know that the entire ocean is missing!"

Ruby, Sapphire, Opal, and Connie stood at the expanse of sand that laid before them, a desert in place of what was once the ocean that they had always known.

Connie was speechless at the sight.

"Wh-who could-" Opal began.

"I'll give you one guess." Sapphire said, anger evident in the blue gem's tone.

"I was worried that the mirror was dangerous..." Connie said, snapping herself out of her stupor. "but I never could've imagined that she could...Steven..."

"Come on." Sapphire said, walking inside. "We need to get ready to look for the ocean before people begin to show up."

Connie had to fight the urge to fall asleep as she was cradled in Opal's arms, the rocking caused by Lion's movements making it all the more difficult. As Connie felt herself drifting off, Ruby popped her head out of Lion's mane.

"Hey, are we there yet?!" Ruby asked, her loud voice waking up Connie.

"No." Sapphire answered plainly.

Ruby stared at her comrades for a moment. "Alright then." She said, popping back into the pink mane.

Connie took a long look at the desert surrounding them, pitying the various sea life that was lying dead on the ground. "How could Lapis do this...doesn't she even care what she's doing?"

Opal sighed. "I...don't think she does..." She explained.

"You're a smart girl Connie, you've already figured out on your own that the monsters we fight and us are connected." Sapphire began. "But...gems that have lost their minds aren't the only threat to Earth."

As Sapphire finished, a tall tower of water came into view, Opal and Connie gasping at the sight.

"The ones that haven't...they're the true threats."

Lion stopped as they reached the towering column of water, letting his riders dismount.

"Whoa..." Ruby said as she looked at the tower. "Check out all the fish."

Connie looked at the tall column, immediately becoming mesmerized by the aquatic animals that swam about the tower.

"Connie." Sapphire said, putting a hand on the girl's shoulder, snapping her out of her trance. "Come on, we have a job to do."

Connie nodded.

"Well how are we supposed to do that?!" Ruby asked. "This thing's ginormous!"

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