Gem Glow

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"This is terrible!" Connie exclaimed in her brother's favorite establishment, the "Big Doughnut".

Connie was a young, dark-skinned girl with long, black hair and black eyes. She wore blue jean shorts and a sky blue shirt with a pink rose emblem at the center.

"Chill out." A tall, lanky teenager told Connie. The teenager had large ear lobes and a small, orange tuft of hair on his head, "It's just some weird ice cream thing, it wasn't even that good."

"It's not just an ice cream." Connie explained to the teenager. "It's Cookie Cat, Steven's favorite thing to eat! If he finds out about this he'll be devastated!"

The teen chuckled. "I guess your "baby" brother'll just have to cry about it then."

"You're a real jerk Lars." A stocky, blonde headed girl told her partner from behind the counter.

"Well if I'm such a jerk Sadie, then how come you're my best friend?" Lars asked with a grin.

"Because I'm the only one who will put up with you." Sadie muttered.

"Hey! I heard that!" Lars said.

Connie ignored the bickering teens, remembering the last time one of Steven's favorite foods went off the market. She shivered at the thought.

Sadie, noticing the action, looked at Connie with a sympathy in her expression. "Do you think that the freezer could maybe soften the blow for him?"

Connie nodded at Sadie hopefully. "Now all I have to do is make sure that Steven never finds out that Cookie Cat was beaten by Lion Lickers."

Connie hesitated as she made it to the door of the small house that she shared with her brother, Steven Quartz Universe. Even when they were young, Connie had always been protective of Steven. As the years went by, many people had begun to do the same due to his warm heart and kind soul. However, he was also oversensitive and could be hurt easily. This meant that she would have to break the news about Cookie Cat softly...or hopefully not at all.

"No, he's too smart for Lars will probably ask Steven how long he cried the next time he goes to the Big Doughnut." Connie said to herself. Connie sighed. "Here goes nothing I guess."

Connie opened the door, only for a centipede-like creature to leap at her. "Waah!" Connie screamed, only for a whip to grab the monster out of the air, poofing it in an instant.

"Hello Connie." A tall, bright-periwinkle woman said to the young girl. The woman had a slender form and two pairs of arms. Her lips were rounded and her long, off-white hair was tied in a ponytail in the back. The most noticeable features about her, to Connie at least, were the two opal gemstones on her forehead and chest.

"H-hey Opal." Connie replied back.

"Hey, bad centipeetle!" A young boy said from inside to one of the monsters that was eating the couch. The boy was chubby and around the same size as Sadie. He had short, curly hair and wore a pink shirt with a yellow star at the center. "Couches are for sitting, not eating."

The creature stopped eating the furniture and turned to the boy, leaping at him.

Steven yelped as the creature jumped and landed on his face, only for a short, red gem to punch the creature off with a red gauntlet.

The red gem hit the centipeetle into a wall, the creature poofing on impact. "Aw, it liked you." The gem joked, dismissing her gauntlet. She was only slightly taller than Steven and had a dark red, cube-shaped afro. Embedded in the back of her right hand was a large ruby.

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