Shadows of Ourselves

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An orange woman sits alone in a room. She had once been a proud warrior, known by her kind as one of the greatest warriors to live, now left shaking and mumbling to herself as she relives the trauma that she had experienced.

A green gem, short in size, sits in a barn, at work on her only functioning limb enhancer. She calls on a human that was about her size, long yellow hair that was reminiscent of a food, to get the parts from her damaged devices to upgrade it. The boy happily nods, but as he goes to retrieve the desired components, he can't help but look out at a large temple and think of how it had changed him.

A purple, short woman and a tall, pale woman dance. Their movements are perfect, there are no flaws. They have done this countless times, so much so that they needn't do it longer than two seconds to acquire the desired result. As they continue on, dancing like they would never be able to do so again, the pale one lets out a choked sob and falls from the dance. She begins crying uncontrollably, not willing to accept that she was gone. The purple one pats her partner on the back, but she can't help letting a few tears fall herself.

A short, blue woman with bangs covering her eyes sits near a grave, idly watching the clouds as if the one buried was with her. As she looks on, she feels pain in her heart as a choked sob comes out. How badly it hurt her to have watched two people she thought had been her soulmate die before her eyes.

A short, red, angry woman sits, pounding the ground. Why was she here? Why was she taking orders from her? The very person that watched someone she had come to feel as less of an ally and more as a sister die.

A young, blue girl, looking to be fifteen years of age, sits by the seashore, watching the waves crash against the shore. Her thoughts were only bringing her deeper into the depression that's consuming her. Though, she had to admit that she would have preferred the feeling in the pit of her stomach over what had come to pass.

A dark skinned girl stands tall and proud, sword in one hand, shield summoned in the other. She cuts down a tree with a single strike from her blade, not even breaking a sweat. This feeling only frustrates her though, the girl searching for something that would be a challenge.

A thirteen year old boy sits alone, darkness around him. He wears a blank expression, his eyes a chilling sight, almost seeming dead inside, devoid of emotion. His only company are the vines that are strung about the ground. Whenever he moves, they move with him; like a friend who he used to think would always be by his side. As he sits there, the vines slowly begin to rise, wrapping around him to form a dome...and he doesn't struggle.

A monster sits under the sea. Its hair is gently swaying as the water pushes and pulls. Its eight limbs are bound in chains, something that it knows will break soon. It sits, waiting patiently for its captor to relinquish control, a sick smile on its face.

These are the pieces. The game is set. Let's play.

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