Q and A with the bidders!

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Carolyn:Hey there guys!So, this is a special chapter dedicated to CshhSubs for asking me a few questions which I'll be glad to answer!

Eisuke:I thought you already ended this book.

Carolyn:And I thought you were kicked out the moment I finished this book!

Soryu:*sighs* Not again....

Baba:It's amazing that Carolyn can keep up with boss's remarks!

Ota:Yeah,Koro really is talented!

Carolyn:Oi!That's not a talent you idiots!And for the last bloody time Kisaki!If I ever hear the word Koro from you again,then you can say goodbye to your paintings!

Ota:Sheesh,women are scary....

Carolyn:Glad to know you know it too!Okey-dokey then guys,let's get to it since there's quite a lot of questions!

Eisuke:I thought you said there were only a few?

Carolyn:A few can mean any-

Eisuke:A few means 3-5 or more.

Carolyn:*pounces on Eisuke*

Soryu:*Restrains Carolyn* Eisuke!Shut that mouth of yours if you know what's good for you!

Eisuke:As if she'll be able to hurt me.





Eisuke:Tch,fine.Now ask the questions already.

Carolyn:I am so gonna wipe that smirk off your face once we're done!Just you wait Ichinomiya!

Eisuke:I'm waiting *smirks*

Carolyn:Grrr......anywho,let's ignore the idiotic billionaire for now and focus on question number one!What is it Mamo?

Mamoru:Why the hell do I hafta get dragged into every single one of these damn chapters....

Carolyn:Come on Mamo!

Mamoru:Tch.....nothin but a pain in the ass.....So,do ya like Shikamaru?Why or why not?Wait,who the hell is this Shi-ka-ma-ru-?

Carolyn:Shika-Kun?Of course I do!How can you not?!He's super cute in his own way and his pineapple shaped hair is super cute and funny!And he has an IQ of over 200!Plus,his techniques,such as the Shadow Possession Jutsu,as well as the Shadow Stitching Jutsu are AWESOME!

Mamoru:......I don't give a damn kid,I was just told to read this out.No reason for ya to shout in my ear like that.

Carolyn:Well SORRY!

Soryu:Who's Shikamaru?

Carolyn:Hmm?Oh,he's one of my favourite characters from Naruto!No need to feel jealous Soryu,your still the one I love the most in the Voltage world!

Soryu:*blushes slightly*

Baba:Sor's blushing!Ota!Look!

Ota:Hehe!He doesn't look so much like a mobster like that!

Soryu:*takes out gun*

Baba and Ota:ERK!!!!!Carolyn!!!

Carolyn:Oh boy....Soryu,they didn't mean it and I think you know that.So put that thing away and ask me the next question.

Soryu:*continues to glare at Baba and Ota while pocketing gun* Fine.The next question is.....do you...like Ichigo from....dreamy days?Who on earth is Ichigo?!

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