Friendly Neighborhood Single Dad [ J.W. ]

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Type: Oneshot

Pairing: John Watson x Reader

Warnings: Spoiler for S4 but tbh idk how you've avoided this spoiler for so long, now that I look back it's not really there but like idk just read, My first John oneshot would ya look at that

"What's for dinner?"

Rosie skipped along the pavement as the father-daughter duo approached the house.

"I don't know, take out?" John trailed behind, hands in his pockets as Rosie hopped along in her own zigzagged path. 

"ok. Can I play with Ava today?" The blonde asked as she hopped from one scare to the other, a breeze blowing her blonde locks in every direction. 

"We'll have to see what Ava's mom says-"


He was cut off by the shriek of a little girl, the young (h/c) child ran up to Rosie, her little arms enveloping her in a hug. 

"AVA!" Rosie hugged her back tightly, the two spinning and laughing.

"Ava get back here!" Soon a woman dressed in scrubs, who John recognized to be his next-door neighbor, walked up. 

"I'm so sorry John." She chuckled, brushing a hair that had broken free from her messy bun behind her ear.

"It's alright." He chuckled as the two little girls chatted about everything, arms linked as they walked in perfect sync.

"They're inseparable aren't they?" She remarked.

"Yeah." He looked over at her, finding two stunning (eye color)ed eyes staring back at him.

"Ava can come over if she wants." John offered and received a kind tired smile in return. "It's okay, you always host."

"I don't mind, she's a little bundle of joy." He returned the smile.

"I do intend to host more once I get his stuff out..." She instinctively reached for her bare ring finger. John gave her a small empathetic smile, "You're welcome to come over for tea."

"How very British of you." She remarked, "Ava, how about we hang out with Dr. Watson and Rosie?"

An eardrum-shattering "YES" came from both girls as both parents flinched, laughing slightly as they disappeared into the Watson household.


heyo two updates

I started a Sherlock fanclub here on wattpad where I post memes and conversation starters n stuff and you should go check it out

longer oneshots on the way I promise

love y'all, bye bye for now

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