Unique {Ch.5}

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I have no excuse for being away for so long, college has gotten to me and I have had a much deserved break. I'm trying to write more often and it's coming back to me slowly, so please bear with me for a while.

I love you all and thanks for sticking with me <3


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned as I grabbed my phone quickly and shut off my alarm. I looked at the clock and sighed as it said 5:30.

School may start at 8 but I have to get everything ready.

I trudged to the bathroom looking at my rugged looking self and seeing that my cheeks seemed to have some color, but that might be because my alarm flustered me. I used the bathroom then went back into my room to get some clothes to wear.

I decided to be professional and grabbed a beige pencil skirt with a brown belt and a white button up shirt. Yawning I walked back to the bathroom and took a shower and all the essentials including blow drying my hair.

After putting my hair up in a messy bun I put on some make up. Then I grabbed my earrings I wore yesterday, a pair of brown heels, and my bag.

I walked downstairs and threw my heels and bag on the sofa. I then walked into Leo’s room to see him sleeping on the air mattress safe and sound. I grinned walking up to him.

“Leo, hun” I said gently. He slowly rubbed his eyes and looked at me. “Good morning” I smiled.

He gave me a huge grin “Morning” he said through sleep.

“It’s almost time for school. So go to the bathroom and do your business while I find you some clothes” I said and he nodded. I pulled out a pair of jean pants and a nice normal shirt and knocked on the bathroom door. “I got some clothes and they are going to be laying out here, okay?” I said.

“Okay!” I heard him yell back.

“I’m going to go cook some breakfast” I said while stretching as I went into the kitchen.

I pulled out some bacon and eggs and making some toast. While I was cooking Leo came in and sat at the table smiling happily.

After it was finished I fixed him a plate and I ate a piece of toast. I also fixed and extra plate and stuck in in the microwave covered with plastic wrap. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note.

“Dear Landon,

Leo and I have left for school, wish us luck.

I left a plate of breakfast in the microwave for you. Hope you like bacon!

Have a great day and relax.


I left the note on the kitchen table and washed Leo’s dish. I then slipped on my heels and grabbed my bag full of supplies.

“Ready to go?” I asked Leo and he nodded jumping up and running out the door. I laughed and followed him out.

We drove to school with Leo humming a tune I didn’t know and then we got out. The parking lot was almost deserted as most of the parents hadn’t dropped off students yet and the school bus hadn’t dropped them off yet. We walked in while he was holding my hand.

We walked to my room and I looked at the clock. Only about 20 minutes until the kids start to pour in.

I started to get papers ready and I remembered I at least needed Landon’s full name if I was going to try and get him enrolled in school. I looked at the clock and decided to call him when lunch time rolled around.

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