The Company of Myself - Chapter 13

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And furthermore, I'd just like to add, Ms. Rinehart, that you're an absolute hypocrite, so I send you to the Shadow Realm. I hear PaniK is waiting for you.

"That's stupid." She giggled, rolling her eyes at my Yu-Gi-Oh reference. She scribbled over the words on her notepad and shoved me. Jas shook his head, burying it into Lucie's shoulder, who sat on his lap. "Honestly Quinn, the only people who actually still acknowledge Yu-Gi-Oh are the Tennis kids. And they're a bit messed up in the brain." He muttered, nodding to the group of athletes who were trying to shove fists into their mouths. It wasn't a pretty sight.

"By the way, where's Astrid and Lix?" Emily asked, as she plopped herself down next to me. I shrugged my shoulders, surveying the cafeteria for a sign of Lix's rowdy behavior or a flash of hot pink from Astrid's hair. It was crammed pack, due to the influx of students coming in for breakfast.

Nearly half the school was in our cafeteria that day, December 8th. For a reason that I didn't know, everyone wanted to be in here, and unfortunately, that goal was slowly happening. 

"It's really loud in here!" Emily yelled over the chatter. Teachers were scrambling to quiet students down, which resulted in them getting louder. I looked out again to the crowds.

That wasn't the best idea.

In the largest crowds, I would find her. Even if I wasn't intending to, my eyes would eventually find her. Even if I told myself that I was looking for someone else, in my head, I'd tell myself that I was looking for her, and a wave of relief would fall over me as soon as I caught sight of her glittering eyes, perfect skin, and deep waves.

In a sea of faces, I will always find you.

The words rang in my head, and bore it's self into my mind, drilling and drilling, until it forced me to directly look for her, and not for Lix or Astrid. It was driving me insane. The very thought of wanting to find her, and then the conflict ion of trying to stay away. I wasn't supposed to be looking for her. I was weak around her, and I'd heard she'd found a new boy toy. But something kept me looking for her.

"Felix! Astrid!" Jas called to them, and they sat down across from me. I kept my eyes on the hoards of people, Searching and searching.

"Is he okay?"

This way and that. Brown hair? Skin too dark. Green set eyes? Arms too thin.

"I think he's looking for Vincent. Said he needed to write an article about something."

Pale skin? Too tall. Off set stare? Hair not long enough.

It seemed impossible. Face after face I looked. Nothing.

"Quinn. Are you alright?"

Pale skin. Brown wavy hair. Green set eyes, and the perfect height. I'd found her.

And by the looks of it, she'd found me. Her eyes flickered to my direction, and then back to her friends. I watched as she slowly mouthed the words, "I'll see you later," And then head off to my table, pushing through people to make it to me.

"Hey... I gotta.... go." I said to the gang, getting up and headed to her.

Step after step. Slowly, I made my way to her, halfway to where she stood. Her eyes were as empty as ever, and looked drained. Those brown locks of hers were twisted into braids, falling perfectly against her shoulders. She'd dyed it. It was no longer light brown as before, resembling Dawn's. It was darker, and only a few streaks of her original color remained.

"Hey." Her sweet voice reached my ears, in within a second, I felt revived again.

"Hey." I repeated her words, letting myself smile for her.

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