The Company of Myself.

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Note: Character such as Dawn Hawkins and Jonah Burke appear in this story. They are NOT mine. They belong to the lovely Drew_Loves_Yooh. Our stories are a bit intertwined. Check her story out. It's a gazillion times better.


I didn't even know her that well. She was just another one of my older brother‘s friends. I didn't think she'd really make a deep impression in my life like she did. Sometimes, late at night, I wish I'd never attended Travelle Academy for grades K-12, but at the same time, I think to myself that if I hadn't attended Travelle then I wouldn't be who I am right now. It's funny how life works like that.

    From where my story starts, it’d been my last year at Travelle. Grade Twelve. Senior. Mature, most feared, and Senioritis. It was to be the best, and last year of all.

“Honestly. I can’t believe it. Three weeks into school and I’m already failing half my classes. I call that a new record.” Felix, my best mate said with ease.

“Seriously, why do you do this? Are you even trying to make top 10%? Are you even worried about your nonexistent future? Jasper, my other best mate complained

“Jas, calm down. Two thirds of us are in top 10%. And I’m sure you’ll beat that Alicia Fisher for valedictorian this year too. Lix, let’s go see if that makes it into the hall of fame. That‘s freaking amazing.” I laughed, trying to sooth down the conversation before it swelled into an argument. The two laughed along, nodding their heads. I sighed sharply, satisfied with their recovery.

Felix O’Connell. Jasper Dorian. Quinn Hawkins. The Unholy Trinity. 

I sometimes hated being the middle man of the group, even more so when I didn’t know the right answer. They often argued, making me the one to make the decisions for us three. Felix, or Lix, as I called him,  never bothered me to an extent where I wanted to hurt him, although his annoying remarks and vulgar comments often got to Jas, also known as Jasper. He was a bit like the younger brother I never had. Jas on the other hand was serious, and was almost like a father to Lix and I. A good father that is. He worried about grades and health, but never truly forgot about living as a teen.

I took a deep breath and ruffled my dark brown hair as I pushed open the doors to my English class.

“Jasper!” Lucie, Jasper’s girlfriend called out from her seat by the window. She ambled over, greeting us. Lucie Lombardi, from my point of view, was friendly, but also fragile. She was cheerful and shy while he was stern. I thought she made a nice contrast in his life. It sometimes seemed that she was re-teaching him how to live, while he was teaching her to be responsible. I mainly enjoyed Lucie’s company because every now and then, Lix would get careless with his words. Without Lucie, I’m not sure how Jas would be able to recover. I turned away, feigning disgust as they locked each other into a kiss, but only so Jas and Lix wouldn’t think otherwise.

Another thing I really hated was the fact that Jas and Lix almost always wanted to set me up with a girl. Not that I wasn’t interested, it was just that I didn’t think it was their duty to do that. Lucie tried too, but sadly, I always refused, resulting in Lucie getting upset. That often lead to Jas wanting to hurt me.

“There you are, Felix.” Lix’s girl, Astrid, knocked into us, as she walked through the door. Although Astrid was a bit wild, she and I got along well, for most of the time. She was like Lix; Wild, inappropriate, and plainly easy to get along with. She was the sore thumb of our group, equipped with hot pink hair, blond and black streaks, piercings, and tattoos. But aside from her appearance, she was well. 

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