I hit send and waited. I didn’t have to wait long, I never really do when it comes to him and it makes me smile

“Hello Harry” I said

“Hey babe, what’s up? I can’t talk long headed out the door in five minutes” he said in a rush

“Ok I’ll skip right to it then, Steph’s on board she’s coming with me, don’t tell Niall but try and keep him happy until we get there, it’ll all be worth it I promise” I explained the best that I could without telling him to much about Steph

“Ok not a problem, I look forward to seeing you beautiful” he said and I blushed the deepest shade of red. I still can’t get used to compliments from him, I love them but I still hide my face

“I can’t wait to see you Harry” I said with a small giggle

“Don’t hide your pretty face Chase, I know you were blushing just now” he said, I could hear the smirk in his voice

“I wasn’t hiding” I lied “Don’t you have somewhere to be superstar” I said changing the subject away from my beetroot face

I heard him gasp “Shit, yes I do I gotta go now but I’ll talk to you soon ok, bye Chase” he said

“Bye Harry, have a good day” I said back to him then the line went dead

I chucked my phone next to me and I got ready for bed, even if it was only just past eight, I was tired. I had a busy day and I was ready to go to sleep. I grabbed my phone once more just to send a goodnight message to him

From Chase: Goodnight Harry I’m going to sleep now I’m really tired. Can’t wait to see you

He messaged me back after five minutes

New Message: Harry

Sweet dreams babe can’t wait to see you too. X

I locked my phone and snuggled down under the covers. This time next week I’ll be in London, with my best friend, hopefully with my boyfriend and having the time of my life. I kept those thoughts in my head as I drifted off in to a peaceful sleep

Niall’s P.O.V

I couldn’t help but think something was going on. Harry is always on his phone either talking or texting Chase, why wasn’t that me too. I thought Steph liked me, it seemed that way when we were with them and when I asked her to be my girlfriend she said yes and she hugged me and cried, so I don’t really understand what is going on right now

I let out a sigh as I ran my fingers through my hair. I just lay there on my bed thinking about everything, anything that I might have done that could of upset her

I heard a light knock on my door that interrupted my thoughts

“Yeah, come in” I said

I saw the door open slowly and Liam popped his head in “Hey Ni, you ok?”

“Yeah Li, I’m good” I said putting on a fake smile, I really didn’t want to talk to anyone about this

“We’re getting Nandos for dinner, you want some?” he asked me smiling

“Yeah that sounds good, thanks Liam” I said

“Ok, be back soon” he said and left my room

Back to my thoughts, all day today the guys were being super freaky nice to me trying to make me laugh and make me feel good and cheer me up which makes me more suspicious that something is going on

I got up out of bed at set off to find Harry, I needed to know that everything was ok. I went to his room and knocked on the door.

“Who is it” I heard him call from the other side

“It’s me Niall, can we talk” I asked

“Yeah sure mate, come in” he said and I opened his door and stepped inside

“What’s going on Ni, you’ve been in a mood all day” he said

“Oh it’s nothing, I’m just worried that’s all” I told him

“About Steph?” he said

“Yeah, I mean you’re on the phone with Chase all the time and I hardly hear from Steph and it’s making me think something is up, I thought she liked me” I explained

“She likes you Niall, Chase told me this morning, everything will be ok I promise” he said with a smile

“Ok Harry, if you say so” I said glumly as I stood up and headed towards his door

“Hey chin up, I bet you will hear from her real soon” he said still smiling

“Thanks Harry” I said returning the smile

I went back to my room and lay down on my bed. So Harry said everything was ok, she still likes me and that I’d hear from her soon, stuff that I want to hear from her now. I reached over to grab my phone from the bedside table, as I went to unlock it the screen lit up with a new message. From Steph

New Message: Steph

Hey Ni, sorry I’ve been really busy lately. I miss you and I have a surprise for you. x

She misses me, and there’s a surprise. My night just got a whole lot better

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