I hesitantly knocked on the door and but then realized he probably wouldn't hear it and pressed the doorbell and waited to see if anyone, Liam, was home. My thoughts were answered when I heard Liam call out 'Coming.' When he sees me will he even talk to me? I frowned at the thought but hid it when I heard footsteps get closer.

The door opened and I had to try keeping my eyes on Liam's face because he stood there in nothing but board shorts. His hair was wet and his body was slightly too. He would have been dripping wet if he hasn't been drying himself with a towel. I moved my eyes from his exposed chest and incredible abs, back to his eyes, which were knotted slightly in confusion as he watched me pretty much check him out. Okay, I admit he's hot but the only reason I'm even thinking such thoughts is because Harry put the damn idea into my head! I would have to personally curse him for that.

"Uh, hey Liam." I mumbled. Since when am I not confident to talk to someone?! I shook my head, standing up taller and stopped acting like a boy with a little crush because I have a crush but not on the boy in front of me. Instead I have it in a very nice, pretty and extremely sexy girl named Mariah.

"Hey." He whispered. He just starred at me and I wasn't sure whether I should be talking or..? He coughed, regaining his voice. "What are you doing here?" He asked plainly, with plain eyes, completely different to how he first looked and spoke to me. His eyes don't ever look plain though because they're this brown colour, that even when he acts angry, you can see the calmness and happiness in his eyes. When I use the word 'plain' I mean that they just don't sparkle as much as what they normally do.

"I was hoping to talk." I said. "Maybe hang out a bit." I added with a small smile. He bit his lip. I could tell he was debating whether or not he should let me in. I hope he does, that way I can see why he's upset with me. He's my first real friend other than Harry really, as sad as that might sound. I'm pretty restricted.

"No sorry. I'm busy and have someone over." He answered after a moment. I stood there speechless waiting for him to say he was kidding but he didn't. He went to close the door but a voice stopped him.

"Hey Li, who's here." I may not be very close with him but I knew who it was.

"Niall." He sounded slightly annoyed that he showed up before he could make me go away. Niall was also in board shorts but wasn't as wet as Liam. "It's just Zayn. He's leaving now anyway." Liam said, looking at me. I opened my mouth to confirm what he said was true; I don't want to annoy him any further than I already have, but Niall's Irish accent spoke up first.

"Oh Zayn hey." He smirked at Liam. Liam glared at Niall but all he did was laugh. Am I missing something? "No no no." He starts. "Why don't you hang out for a bit? We were just having a swim but because you don't have any bathers I'm sure you could just take a dip in your underwear." Niall suggests. "I'm sure Liam wouldn't mind." He adds and I don't believe he is talking about the 'hanging out' part.

Liam looks a bit uncomfortable and before I can kindly deny his offer Liam says "Whatever." and opens the door wide enough for me to walk in. Niall grins proudly and parts me on the shoulder. I had the urge to roll my eyes at him but chose not to, considering that it's because of him I can talk to Liam. Though, it's also because of him, I can't. I can't just confront Liam while he's here.

Liam's house is very similar to mine, well at least the back yard is. It's pretty much the same, except it doesn't have a BBQ area. Come to think of it, Liam's house is quite big for a family where only three members live together. Like me, I guess. Liam and Niall went back in the pool while I just sat on the side, watching them splash each other and laugh. I couldn't help but actually not watch Niall and only watch Liam as he smiled and his eyes went chinky. The way his muscles flexed when he swam from one end of the pool to the other. And when he accidentally made eye contact with me. He tried to avoid it but when it occurred, it would be for a long moment before he turned away. It felt weird though. It felt like there was some type of force between us, pulling us closer, though either of us was actually moving.

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