Forever thinking ~ Chapter 10

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  Y/N: Your name
F/C: Favorite color
E/C: Eye color
H/C: Hair color
F/n: Fathers name
M/n: Mothers name
V/n: Village name
L/n: Last name

(I haven't been putting this on here lately sorry for that)

(Y/n)'s POV


Is all I saw.


At the end of the hall.


I opened my eyes slowly and tried to look around for something but all I saw was darkness I couldn't even tell if my eyes were open or not. I looked around for something....anything. "Hello" I say but all that happen was that my voice just echoed around me like it was responding back to me.





After a while of trying to feel around my self and find something I saw a light.I couldn't make out what it was then it was gone.I sat there in the darkness I can't do anything, there is nothing to do. 





I heard these words echo around me "Choose? Choose what?"
They continued to echo. "Choose"




Then it stopped........why did it stop though?.........I looked around my self one last time only to see darkness, then closed my eyes.
Sometime later I couldn't keep my eyes close any more I had to open them and see if I was in the real world maybe that was a bad dream' I thought and opened my eyes. My eyes widened in shock 'were am I now' I thought, I was in space it looked like. I looked down only to see I was galaxy to, just a different kind of galaxy I looked lighter than the galaxy around me. I stayed there thinking looking and floating around. "You shall have to choose" I heard off in the distance. "Choose what!?" I asked "you shall see soon my child..." It echoed "please tell me, What is it please tell me!" I continued to yell as I saw the white light getting brighter making me close my eyes "Please tell me plea-" then everything went black............

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welp that is all that I can think of on short notice due to me not being able to write much so ye Im so sorry for a delay in chapters and hope to get in a good scheduled soon so ye 

 Peace, stay safe my potatoes~GC

(Discontinued)Kawaii~Chan's Sister MCDboys x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora