Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Lucy, wake up I'm bored." I felt Sherlock tap my shoulder before letting out an annoyed grunt.

"I know your awake, so speak."  I stayed still keeping my eyes shut.

"Lucy, open your eyes." I started to pull the bedsheet over my head but pain flashed through my body everytime I moved it.

"I'm dying!" 

"Stop overreacting." I could imagine him rolling his eyes.  I opened one eyes and stared at him before closing it again.

"You're not going to be sitting here untill I get out of hospital are you?" He shook his head before leaning back into his chair.

"No in a minute I have to go and collect my Mother and Stepfather from the hospital canteen."  I frowned.

"Why are they in London?" He sighed.

"It was going to be a surprise meet the parents but you got stabbed and they refuse to leave me alone until they have met you." I smiled.

"They sound nice..." Sherlock got up and started to walk out of the door before popping his head back round,

"Prepare yourself for the horrors." He gave me a quick smile before disappearing out of sight.  I closed my eyes, are they going to be like him?  Why does he act like they are just a nuisance to him? I'm surprised she married again after what Sherlock told me about his Father. 

"Hello dear!" I opened my eyes to be greeted by a set of elderly blur ones.  The woman moved backwards so I could see her properly

"Mrs Holmes I presume?" She smiled.

"Yes I am and you must be the famous Lucy Adler." I smiled at her.


"In our telephone calls Sherlock talks mostly about you, well either you or his experiments."  I saw Sherlock frown before pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I thought maybe you'd forgotten..." Mrs Holmes laughed before sitting herself down on the edge of my bed.

"Ignore him, he's always like this when we're around I think he thinks that we spoil his facade."

"So he's not always like this..?" She chuckled and shook her head.

"Oh heavens no before he became this enigmatic detective he was ever so caring."  

"Oh he can be very caring but he's either caring and protective or cold and insulting."

"I am still in the room darling,"  said Sherlock before sitting in back in the chair next to my bed and putting on a fake smile.

"So where is Oliver?" He asked tilting his head slightly.  Mrs Holmes turned her head to talk to him.

"He'll be here in a minute, he was just finishing off his toasted sandwich when you called."  We settled into silence sharing a few awkward glances and only the sudden noise of the door opening and a tall elderly man running  broke it.  Mrs Holmes got up and ran over to the man.

"Oliver meet Lucy," she gestured towards me and Oliver smiled at me.

"Fantastic to finally meet you, I must admit I was surprised when Sherlock announced that he had found himself a woman."

"Well Oliver, I was suprised when he somehow found a place in my heart." I saw Sherlock frown before groaning.

"Hello Brother dear." Mycroft stood in the doorway.

The Detective (A Sherlock Fan-Fic) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now