Chapter Nineteen

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I was thrown fore wards bits of rubble with me.  I smashed into the floor and heard a sharp snap, it's not my neck at least.  Groaning I looked at myself then saw my left leg bent at a grotesque angle, shit.  Why does it have to be the legs!.  My eyes scanned around, the bomb wasn't neither Lucy or John it came from behind me across the street most lightly. 

A loud moan came from across, female definitely a grown female and Lucy is the only grown female here.  "Lucy!" "Sherlock!,"  a shuffling noise came from the right of me and a slight cry.  "Ow, my leg!" I smiled, she seems so surprised about the fact that the explosion broke her leg.  Finally Lucy came tumbling towards me over a pile of rubble to the right of me.  I smiled as she stroked hair away from her eyes, "well that was a bit of a shock," she pulled me into a tight hug then snuggled her head into my shoulder.  Carefully I laid my head down on top of hers and closed my eyes.  "Um excuse me Sherlock but why haven't the bomb's gone off?" I opened my eyes and looked up at a rather dusty looking John, "they were fakes," "oh," John sat next to us then stared into the rubble.  In the distance I could hear the sounds of police and ambulances, why rush were perfectly fine.  "Sherlock, what do you think happened to Moriarty and that girl?" John turned his head sideways and looked at me, "Moriarty planned the bomb so he's alive but the child she's most definitely dead," John turned his back to me and I could see a sad expression spread across his face.  He's so emotional about people he doesn't know, thats John's weakness he's cares too much.


I climbed out of the police car and stared at the remains of the school.  At least the rest of the Children and teachers were out, fake fire alert did them justice.  Police swarmed into the building Fireman strait after them, I leaned on my brolly then smiled as a police officer came running up to me then saluted.  "Sir, there is one death and three survivors," "very well, attend to your duties," the police officer ran off.  Slowly three dust covered figures crawled from the rubble, two of them limping.  I walked fore wards and smirked at my limping Brother.  "Well Sherlock, it seems you won't be able to do some leg work for a while," Sherlock just waved me off and carried on dragging Lucy and John behind him.


We were pulled into ambulances and driven away, apparently being near explosive bombs can have side effects.  Sherlock refused to lye down so they ended up giving him a sedative, I bet he's never had this much sleep.  The sound of the ambulance drivers talking made me almost sit up, "Pryn Hawn dda Thomas, syt wy ti?" (Good afternoon Thomas, how are you?) is that Welsh?.  Wow Welsh people I haven't heard Welsh in years not ever since my parents took me and Irene to Snowdonia.  The ambulance came to a holt and the doors swung open and I was wheeled into the hospital. 

Two hours later

I was sat in the waiting room waiting for Sherlock and John staring down at the bright blue cast on my leg. I already hate it, it's to heavy on my leg and is itchy.  Sherlock came striding in a cast around his left leg in a blue cast.  He sat down placing his clutches next to his chair then grimaced.  "I hate casts they are just so itchy," "I know how you feel," John walked  in with no cast or anything.  "How the hell didn't you break anything," "I really don't know," he sat  on the other side of me then grinned.  "Well don't you two look happy," we glared at him then Sherlock got up.

  "We need to get going, I had Mycroft get us places on the train and our luggage has been moved back to our flat,"

"wait, we aren't staying?" he grinned.  "no, we are not, let's get going our train leaves in ten minutes!"  he grabbed his clutches and set off hopping down the corridor me and John right behind him.


Hi readers, sorry it took so long for me to upload but i've been learning how to deduct and luckily i'm getting the hang of it.  My friends find weird but we all know that no matter how hard I try I will never be as good as deducting as Sherlock.  Any way hope you liked the chapter if you did feel free to vote, comment and tell your friends :).


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