Chapter Three: So Close I Can Taste It

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I'm not gonna eat. My lunch isn't sitting well," Frank replied, finding a fluffy blue one that would work. It amazed him that even though it was May, it was still cold at night. "Here we go,"

"Thank you, Frank. You're too kind," Gerard smiled up at Frank as he put the sweater on him. "You know, you're not just a good're a good friend. You really look out for everyone, including me,"

"That is kind of you to say," Frank pulled out his phone and started to order the pizza. He knew what Gerard liked on his, but maybe it was less professional to assume. "So do you want anything special on the pizza?"

"Just veggies,"

Frank typed that part in feeling good that he asked cause Gerard used to get sausage too. He sent the order off as they made it to the living room.

"Wanna watch a comedy?"

"Sure. You pick," Gerard grinned, feeling the need to give Frank more freedom as the caregiver. After all, you need a happy caregiver to have a happy patient, right?

"Alright, how about...this one?" Frank held up Young Frankenstein just as his phone began to ring. He put the DVD in and then excused himself to answer, walking into Gerard's bedroom and shutting the door.

"What do you want? I'm working!" Frank yelled suddenly, despite trying to keep his voice down. Why his mother is calling him? He has no idea."What? NO, NO I WILL NOT!"

"Frank? Are you okay?" Gerard called out, already worried.

"Yes, I am fine," Frank replied, lying. He needs to end this call before his patient comes to investigate. He pressed his phone back against his ear, itching to end the not-so-great phone call with the the other person on the line. "I have to go. No, I said no!"

"Frank?" Gerard wheeled into the room where Frank stood, looking up at him with concern. He had to make sure his caregiver was okay.

Frank had it now, his anxiety was through the roof now!

"LOOK YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT BITCH, YOU FUCKING LEFT US AND NOW YOU THINK YOU CAN WALTZ BACK INTO MY LIFE WHEN HE IS DEAD WITH YOUR MAN WHORE AND I'LL FORGIVE YOU?! FUCK YOU!" Frank threw his phone against the wall and screamed, the phone shattering to many unfixable pieces.

Gerard gasped. He couldn't believe what what happening. His own caretaker was losing it, his own friend! It was like highschool all over again, when Frank succumbed to his own anxiety. He stood there, barely knowing what to even say.


Frank froze, he turned around and saw Gerard there. He saw his broken phone. He had lost it completely. He lost his professionalism.

"Hey guys, I gotta get off early and..."

Frank ran past Gerard practically knocking Mikey over as he tore out of the apartment. He bypassed the elevator and flew down the stairs to the parking garage. He grabbed his motorcycle and gunned it leaving a track of rubber as he sped out into the evening. Mikey ran to the window just in time to hear the screech and see him go. He turned to Gerard.

"What happened?"

"I dunno, Mikey...," Gerard shook his head, staring down at Frank's shattered phone. "He got a phone call from someone, and...he sounded really angry. Whoever he was talking to...I guess he wasn't happy with them. I come in the room and he was like a deer in the headlights,"

"I should call him and make sure he is alright," Mikey said, pulling out his phone.

"I think you should give him some time to calm down, Mikey. He was very was almost scary how angry he looked,"

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