Eyes in the Forest

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Bill did love his little play toy; he really did enjoy both messing with the mortal and keeping an eye on the boy.

What he didn't like, however, was the other twin. The boy's sister: Mabel. The girl had become more suspicious recently, since the eighteen year olds had returned to the Mystery Shack and Bill wasn't sure if this would ruin his plans. 

So, the demon therefore decided, he'd just have to protect his treasure.

Some may have called it stalking- though, for the demon, it was just watching from extremely close behind.

Today was a relatively normal day for Bill, he'd intruded on the boy's dreams, then appeared in a few shadows. Nothing too traumatic, yet; the demon just wanted to make sure that he was always on the precious mind of Dipper. His little paranoid pet. Looking back to the brunet, Bill caught his gorgeous hazelnut eyes looking over his shoulder, as if to prove himself wrong - as if to prove that there was no one there. Dipper Pines was right, there wasn't anyone there, Bill could only be seen if he was wanted.

Bill just had to get his Pine Tree to crack and make a deal with the demon.

The conditions of the deal? Dipper would beg for Bill to stop the hallucinations and nightmarish thoughts, stop the paranoia on one condition, Dipper would belong to him. What the boy didn't need to know, is that Bill would never stop - he couldn't if it was the mortal's own personality that Dipper wanted to change. The demon probably wouldn't change his personality even if he could; it was one of the many things he loved about his plaything.

He loved the fear in his eyes, and the way it melted in with boyish curiosity.

He loved the way the boy breathed, he'd hyperventilate and his heart would sound through the room.

He loved the way the boy would look behind him, as if it would help him get a head start on someone behind him.

He loved the way that there was no more hope and happiness in his voice, now only a symphony of pain and nervousness.

It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his existence.

And soon all of it would belong to him.

The boy belongs to him, and only him, and once Bill Cipher wants something he doesn't stop until he has it.

Since the Pines twins first visit to Gravity Falls, Dipper had been diagnosed as an insomniac because of all the nightmares the demon had presented him with. Each one being worse then the last.

Black eye bags really suited the boy's protruding ribs as she slowly starved himself, being unable to eat from stress and fear. 

His Pinetree was just getting prettier, and prettier, each passing day.

The boy still tries to act like everything is okay, like he didn't believe that the world was ending and the human race was the cause of it. His twin would ask for an opinion on an issue, only to be met by a lifeless stare or an tired nod. This 'conversation' would be followed by repetitive questioning from Mabel.

'Are you okay? You look pale.'

'Are you lacking concentration, again, bro bro?'

'You're scaring me Dipper, is it the nightmares again?'

'Is it Bill?'

In response, Dipper would erase all suspicion; 'I'm fine, Mabel! I just stayed up all night doing a project.' had become one of his favourite sayings.

Today was different.

Dipper was on the verge of breaking, his left eye twitched as he wiped his clammy palms on his jeans. When his sister asked him if he was doing alright, he could feel a wave of anger emerge from deep inside of him.

Mabel, heartbroken, ran away crying.

Their bond is breaking, Bill knew it, and it is exactly what he wants, and needs. When the boy doesn't have his sister by his side, then it will be so much easier to manipulate him into making a deal.

The watchful eye of Bill Cipher stared down at his prey, as the boy wielded some chalk and pushed open the shack door.

The boy had walked for about two minutes when he stopped and cleared a space.

He was ready.

He had had enough.

He was finished.

He had lost. 

"Triangulum, entangulum. Veneforis dominus ventium. Veneforis venetisarium!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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