Rules of the Game

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(right so I'm going to post long and short stories here, if you want me to continue one, please just ask!)

Dipper Pines was not an easy task; when he wasn't mystery hunting, he was taking customers around on tours, which had become very popular in the past few years. Unfortunately for a certain blonde and jealousy-ridden demon, this left Dipper without much free time.

What did Bill do about this? 

Easy, he made a deal... with himself. To fight his boredom, of course, Bill thought. 

He would make a little game out of it.

When Bill Cipher made a promise to himself that he would get Dipper Pines to fall for him, he knew he was about to make the boy's life hell. Especially after he made his human form so aesthetically pleasing, or as the humans call it: attractive. 

Though, what the demon was not prepared for was a blunt refusal. 

Bill expected to play the game and get the boy to solely fall for him, until everything - his body, his soul and his sanity - belonged to the demon. He wanted it all.

So, when the boy's everything was refused from him, he knew he just had to take it.

That could be done the easy way...

Or the hard way.

What Dipper Pines didn't know, is that it was all down to him.

What Dipper Pines definitely didn't know, is that his negative reaction to the demon's game of love would end with him chained to a dungeon wall, hidden away from society in a castle of the mindscape. 

Just where Bill wanted him to be.


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