Chapter 12 - In Deep Trouble

Start from the beginning

"... and honor her all the days of your life?" Father Abel asked.

"I do." Luca said looking straight into my eyes. His gaze was so intense that I had to look away.

"Chloe Richardson do you take Luca Moretti to be your husband? Do you promise to be true to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and honor him all the days of your life?" Father Abel asked.

Do I?

My heart was thudding in my chest. I wanted to say no but I couldn't.

"Chloe?" Luca said raising an eyebrow. His grip on my hands tightened and I almost yelped in pain.

"I do." I said.

Father Abel produced two rings.

"Lord, bless these rings which we bless in your name.

Grant that those who wear them may always have a deep faith in each other.

May they do your will and always live together in peace, good will, and love.

We ask this through Christ our Lord."

Luca slipped the ring on my finger. The metal felt cool against my skin and my finger felt heavy. My hands were shaky and I almost dropped the ring while putting it on his finger.

Father Abel extended his arms over us, "May the Holy Spirit of God always fill your hearts with love. Now, by the power vested in me by God, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now, kiss the bride."

Luca slipped his hand around my waist and pulled me close. He bent down, his face right in front of mine.

"This kiss is a promise -." He whispered as he brushed his thumb over my cheek and cupped my face. My breath caught in my throat and I shut my eyes tightly as he pressed his lips on mine.

The kiss felt tender. His lips were softly moving against mine, licking and nibbling my lower lip. Sliding his tongue inside my mouth he kissed me deeper. He tasted warm and sweet like honey and I before I knew it, I was kissing him back.

The kiss seemed to last forever and when I pulled back we were both panting. My body was tingling all over and blood rushed to my cheeks.

He leaned his forehead against mine and even though his kiss had warmed me up, the next words he whispered sent shivers down my spine.

"-a promise to never let you go."


The drive home was silent. I didn't say a word and neither did Luca. He just held my hand the entire time, occasionally kissing the back of it.

He stopped the car and got out, walking up to my side to open the door for me. When I got out, he lifted me up in his arms.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Luca put me down!" I said hitting his chest. But he silenced me by kissing my lips.

A small smile played on his lips the entire time he carried me. I wriggled in his hold but he just held me tighter to his chest. When we entered the bedroom, he kicked the door shut and placed me down.

Pulling me by my hips, he rained kisses over my neck.

"Luca, stop." I pushed at his chest. But he grabbed my wrist and effortlessly twisted it behind my back. His hands moved to the zipper of my dress and I panicked.

"Stop!" I yelled loudly and pushed harder at his chest. He stopped kissing me but didn't let go of my hips. "What are you doing?" I yelled again, trying to pull away but he was too strong.

He smirked nonchalantly. "If I clearly remember, we just got married at the church. You are my wife and I am your husband. Do you understand what I'm saying?" He pulled me flush against him and I could feel the heat radiating off his body.

"Now let's consummate this marriage." He said and my eyes widened. He bent down to kiss me again but I placed my fingers over his lips.

"No!" I said and somehow pulled away from his hold. "This marriage... This marriage doesn't mean a thing to me." I said taking a step back, creating as much distance between us.

A look of annoyance passed over his face. He began taking off his suit jacket looking disinterested in what I was saying.

"I agreed to marry you only because you threatened to kill my father." I said.

"Well, I promise not to hurt your father as long as you promise to be a good girl and stay by my side." he said condescendingly. He loosened his tie and unknotting it, slipped it off his neck.

My anger was rising with every passing second. "You might have bought me with your money, Luca. But there's one thing you can never buy- my love."

I took off the wedding ring from my finger and threw it at him. "I hate you!" I said.

He chuckled but there was a look of hurt I his eyes. He picked up the ring and walked over to me. "Not for long, Chloe. You won't hate me for long." He said, sliding the ring back on my finger and kissed my hand. "You will fall for me one day. You will willingly come running into my arms." He said with such determination that I almost believed him.

"Well, dream on Luca, because honestly, I don't ever see that happening." I said snatching my hand back from him.

"Is that a challenge, baby?" The sad look vanished from his face and he was back to being his arrogant self." Because you should know by now," he said trailing his finger from my temple down to my neck. "I always get what I want."

I wanted to retort but I didn't. I was too tired to even utter another word. So I just left the argument at that.

"Now, if you're done with this stupid conversation, get undressed and jump in bed." He said motioning his head towards the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt.


Did he even understand a single word I said? Or was it all for nothing?

I walked over to him and grabbed his wrist. He looked a bit shocked and raised an eyebrow at me. I pulled him toward the door and surprisingly he followed. Somehow I pushed him out of the room and slammed the door in his face. I locked the door so that he wouldn't be able to come inside.

"What the fuck, Chloe?" he said pounding his fist on the door. "Open the damn door before I fucking break it down."

"No!" I yelled through the door. "Go sleep downstairs on the couch or in some other room or anywhere you like. But you aren't allowed to sleep here."

"You leave me with no choice then." He said and I heard a loud bang on the door.

He was definitely going to break down the door. I had to think of something to stop him. The door hinges rattled and squeaked as he got closer to breaking it down.

"Luca listen to me. You... You aren't allowed to sleep here... until... until I fall for you." The words rushed out of my mouth before I could even think.

The banging stopped and there was silence on the other side for a while.

I took a step towards the door. "Luca?" I asked, trying to make out if he was still there.

"Fall for me, huh?" he said. "You better not be lying, Chloe. Because if I realize that you're playing me, you'll be in deep trouble." He banged the door again and I flinched. "Do you understand?" he asked.

"Yes." I forced out.

I heard his footsteps fade away and I slid down the door, burying my face in my hands.

Oh God! I really am in deep trouble.



(Thank you for all the follows!♥)

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