A lil teaser

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AN// Happy thanks giving 😉


I could feel Lauren's eyes on me and the brunette next to me as I held Tori's hand into the class. I sat in my seat, which is of course, in front of Lauren's.

"Failed to mention it again didn't you Karla", she said almost angrily.

I turned in my seat to look at the beauty I wanted so bad. I knew I should've said something about it to Tori but I never had the chance. I was with Lauren most of the night and when she was kissing me god I couldn't speak to anyone.

"And what does it matter to you Jauregui. You weren't complaining about it in the halls, last class, last month, last year for crying out loud!", I seethed through my teeth to the Cuban girl behind me.

I could see her get angry with me when I said that. She knows exactly what I was talking about. She knows that if I had never shown up to her stupid party, she would've never known who the hell I was. She would have never fallen for me.

And she knows the control she has on me. She knows she can make me do whatever she wants me to and it fucking scares me. I mean, she has no right to use that against me... right? I mean it is the wrong thing to... Ugh god I need to stop asking so many questions.

She looked me dead in the eye and smirked knowing exactly what I was thinking about. She leaned in as close as she could because the desk separated our bodies. Her hand gently yet firmly gripped my shoulder and she stared into my eyes so cockily, like she knew she'd win.

"Meet me in the bathroom, you got 10 minutes sweetheart."

I blinked as she let go and walked up to the teacher. She left the classroom and here I was, waiting for the time to pass just to prove Lauren's point.

I was weak.

I craved her.

Tori just didn't have it anymore. She didn't have my heart like Lauren did.

I looked over to my girlfriend, if I can even call her that at this point, and tapped her shoulder to grab her attention. She looked up to me nervously and smiled almost... guilty?

I don't know, maybe I'm imagining things.

"Tor, you love me right?"

"Of course I do Mila, you and me, forever."

I smiled weakly at her and looked back to my hands. My phone buzzed in my pocket as I tried to calm my nerves.

L: 10 minutes is up princess.

I sighed and walked up to the teacher to ask if I could use the restroom. She let me go and my feet immediately carried me to the same place I've been going to now since school started.

I looked to Lauren and my heart stopped.

She stood there in a black bomber jacket with a white crop top on underneath. Her abs were getting more defined since we both were at training for the volleyball season coming up.
Her black jeans making her endlessly long legs longer and her untied doc martins that were possibly the only shoes that made the outfit tie together. She tugged down on the beanie after messing with her hair again for the umpteenth time.

"Your hair looks fine you know?", I asked sarcastically almost wanting to scoff for the amount of times she runs her damned hand through her damned luscious black locks.

"Your ass looks better in spandex you know?"

I blushed profusely as she said this. I mean, I get it. I'm Cuban, I have an ass. I understand that it looks nice in tight clothing. It's just the fact that she mentions it to me is when I actually believe it.

"You are so unbelievable sometimes Lauren."

She looked at me through the mirror. She squinted her eyes and turned around fully walking towards me. She grabbed me by the waist and I put my arms around her neck involuntarily.

"I know what I am Camila, unbelievable is an understatement", she said in almost a whisper to me as if there were more people in hear that could hear her.

"But you're unbelievable too. You come to me seeking something you want but you won't let yourself have. What about Victoria out there, huh?"

I looked away and felt like collapsing. My eyes swelled with tears as I hear from, out of all people, Lauren Jauregui that I need to get out of this relationship with Tori.

I didn't know I was crying until I could feel Lauren wiping the tears from my cheeks. She urged me to look at her an I refused. I couldn't, I was so ashamed.

Lauren sighed and lifted me onto the counter so she could try to get a look into my eyes. I know what she wants. I know she wants me to kiss her. To make up and go back to sneaking around and hiding this. She wants us but I don't know.

"Camila. Baby I'm sorry."

I looked into those green pools that I've come to love over a span of time. She genuinely looked sorry. She was genuinely showing me emotions. I don't get that from Tori anymore. I don't get much but a kiss and a greeting. She doesn't even fucking text me but she's always on her phone. Always talking to someone.

And I froze.

Victoria did say she met this girl Liz and she hasn't been very vocal about her. She hasn't even talked to me about her once and Tor always tells me about her friends.

Unless she's not her friend.

I look harder into Lauren's eyes and I muster up the courage to say something I've been thinking for too long and too hard about.

"I think Tori is cheating on me."

We both look shocked that I say it. And I don't feel so sad but Lauren looks like she could explode with anger.

"Are you fucking kidding me. How dare she!", Lauren yelled to me. I flinched back because she gets really angry. Like really angry. She backs up and paces.

"She has no right. And to you Camila. God, you're a goddess!"


"She doesn't know what she's getting herself into doing this to you."


"How the hell does someone do that to you, of all fuc-", I pulled Lauren to me by the collar of her jacket and kissed her to make her stop talking.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer to her, careful not to let me fall off the counter. I pulled back and looked at her.

"Lauren. She cheated. I cheated... kind of. I mean it's hard to explain but you can't get mad because technically that relationship has been over with for a while and neither of us wanted to end it", I explained.

Lauren nodded understandingly and kissed me again. Her plush lips made me tingle in all the right ways. I played with the baby hairs on her neck and slightly opened my mouth for her as she licked my lip asking for entrance.

She pulled back slightly, tugging my lip with her teeth a little as she pulled back. She looked into my eyes and I know I shouldn't of smiled at what she said to me. I know I shouldn't have kissed her again after she said it. I know I shouldn't have fallen harder but my heart wanted it.

"See Camila I told you, I always end up getting what I want."

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