"Always so fucking wet for me," he spoke under his breath. I reached behind, stroking him through his dress pants while he searched his wallet for a condom. "We're going to need to fix this," he removed the wrapper when my hand reached into his pants to feel how warm and hard he was. I knew he hated using a condom. If I trusted his pull out game, I would let him fuck me raw. But for now, an IUD would quickly solve this problem.

"I have an appointment in two weeks." He thrusted into me as I gripped the closest thing I could get my hands on which happened to be his keyboard. "Fuck," my hips dug into the edge of the desk when his thrusts grew harder. Keeping one hand on my waist, he used his other to cover my mouth.

Everything was fast paced and hard. My legs felt like any moment now they would give out on me. His lips went to my ear for him to whisper, "you make me feel so fucking good, Lani." It wasn't his usual choice of words and I was happy he said them because it made me shatter at his last thrust. He removed his hand, leaving me panting for air and my legs shaking. He pulled out, throwing his condom in the trash under his desk.

"I'm going to need a second," I took a deep breath as he fixed his pants and did up his belt. Standing fully on my feet, I adjusted my underwear and dress before grabbing my bag. Tracey was at her desk, pretending like she hadn't heard anything. We stood in the elevator and Grayson looked down at me as he fixed my hair. He made sure there wasn't a hair out of place.

"Perfect," he whispered as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead. My smile was making an annoying appearance while I hugged him and felt his arms go around me.

The restaurant where we were meeting Mr. Lee was extravagant. It had a live performance with classical music. I didn't even know the city had such nice restaurants. The menu was small and I didn't recognize anything listed.

"You must be Kalani. I'm Daniel Lee. This is my wife, Elvira Lee," the man approached our table and he looked like the friendliest man. He had the biggest smile on his face and I couldn't believe he was a business man. Him and his wife were both small and petite, both being around my height. He was an older gentleman with creases on his face and a hunchback.

"Yes, it's so nice to meet you," I stood up and he immediately hugged me. His wife did the same and it was a nice change from the other business people I've met through Grayson.

"Daniel mentioned you had your baby. There's no trace you were ever even pregnant," Elvira commented and I smiled, going back to my seat.

"That's really sweet. Thank you," I opened up the menu, leaning close to Grayson to whisper, "I have no idea what any of this shit is. Send help." He held back his smile. All the words on this menu felt like they weren't English. They seemed somewhere between French and gibberish.

"You'll like this," he kept his voice quiet while pointing to something on the menu. The waitress came and Grayson ordered my food and I was happy he did because I couldn't have said it as perfectly as he did.

"So, how is the baby? We have five, so we know exactly how it is," Daniel started off the conversation and it was weird it didn't strictly revolve around work.

"She's good. She's actually really good. She sleeps through the night and isn't fussy." I missed her just thinking about her. Not being with her is rare for me. The only time we're usually apart is when she's asleep, so her not even being in the same building as me felt weird.

"Do you have pictures?" Elvira cheered and I've never taken my phone from my bag so fast. I wasn't going to miss out on an opportunity to show off Amelia. She is my prized possession. "Oh my, isn't she the cutest. Her eyes."

"Yeah, I could stare at them for hours," I set my phone back in my handbag. "Tell me about your kids." Once she started she couldn't stop. I was honestly worried Grayson's kind act would fade away, but he did a good job at pretending he cared. I guess it's because this revolved around work.

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