Diagon alley

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Harry POV

I was at the Weasley's place for a few weeks to stay with Ginny. I was just downstairs when four owls came in through the window being the only one up I went over to pick up the mail. There was two letters for each of us Ron, Ginny, Hermione and I but I also got a package. I got mine and opened the first letter.


   Dear Mr. Potter,

You have been invited to redo your seventh year at Hogwarts due to last years complications. I have asked everyone not to bombard you with questions. Hogwarts will welcome you home with open arms. We will also be having exchange students from America so be nice to them they will not be afraid to attack. They have been through a lot more than you so avoid saying things that relate to hell especially Mr. Weasley.

You will get your supply list as well in this envelope

   Professor Minerva McGonnagal

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I stared at my last book I needed and looked at it in awe. Why would we need a guide to weapons? I shrugged and went on to the second letter


Dear Mr. Potter,

I am pleased that McGonnagal got this to you.

Albus Dumbledore (the painting)


I went to open the package, I could have used magic to open it more safely but oh well. I teared it open and ripped out the gift like a tooth, forcefully and quick.
I immediately feel a searing pain on my hand, then I realized what I had pulled out. The sword of Gryffindor. "Ginny! I have a situation," I yelled "What did you do this time?" she said "Well I may or may not have just been cut by the sword of Griffindor (lets pretend that it didn't inherit the power of the basilisk when Harry stabbed it) "Harry!" Ginny half yelled half screamed. "Oh, lets get mum to mend it. MUM!!!" "Yes Ginny dear... Oh Harry lete get that fixed." Mrs Weasley said while looking at my wound. She mended it quickly, it didn't really hurt. "Oh also we got letters from Hogwarts saying that we can come back to redo your seventh year." I called.

Hermione came in with the biggest smile on her face "Let's go to diagon alley then, oh and also there will be exchange students from America coming." I said "you got a letter too." I added.

Hermione quickly scanned the letter, "Harry there is nothing on my letter about exchange students." she said "Oh well there is on mine here look." I showed her my letter. "Oh you're right. Lets floo powder to diagon alley then." she said exited.

Percy POV

Okay so we went to half blood hill to meet Hectate to tell leport us to disgon alley. Only she wasn't there, Chiron told us that she was too busy to teleport us so we would have to get there by flying.

Nico's, Thilia's and my face paled instantly. "Noooooooooo I would never fly on a plane not even for infinite blue cookies, and thats saying alot." I said "Well I see no other way to get to London." Chiron said "No!" I exclaimed.

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