Chapter 1-Dad's home

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"Amara you have 5 seconds to get your ass out of that bed before I throw you in the pool. 1..2..3..4.." I feel myself being lifted out of my bed as my eyes snatch open.

"Blake you better put me down before I chop off your dick."

"Whoa feisty. Someone's not in a good mood this morning." He says placing me on my feet except I trip over thin air and fall flat on my face.

I crawl to the bathroom because I'm too lazy to get up and hop in the shower. I let the water run over my face waking me up.

When I'm done I walk out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. I find Blake on my bed passed out I roll my eyes and walk into my closet closing the door quietly behind me.
I change into a tee-shirt, flannel, skinny jeans, and some converses then I throw on a beanie to match.

I walk out of my closet run and jump on top of Blake he grabs me and pulls me beside him wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Blake let me go." I say trying to wiggle out of his grip.

He ignores me going back to sleep. I close my eyes slowly and drift back to sleep.

"Amara Blake get your lazy asses up you have to be at school in 5 minutes" My eyes shoot open as I hear my mother's voice. Me and Blake jump out of bed and run down the stairs. Well Blake does I trip and roll down the stairs as I hit bottom I just lay there.

"Amara get up."

"No" I hear Blake huff as he walks over to me and picks me up.

"I swear you are the clumsiest person I've ever met." I roll my eyes as he places me in the car. He hops in the driver's side and drives us to school.

We get there a little late and run to our class. "Oh look who decided to show up. Grey Winter nice to see you." Mr. Jenkins says sarcastically.

We walk to our table as the teacher goes on about some field trip the seniors are taking at the end of the year. I try to listen to what he's saying but Blake's mouth is too loud.

"Would you shut the hell up I'm trying to hear what he's saying."

"Why it's not important."

"Well it kind of is we're going to California at the end of the year." My friend Katie says.

"What? Really why?" I ask. "Just a surprise trip for the seniors." I turn my attention back to the teacher as he says 'You will need to pick one partner for this trip. You will be stuck with them for the whole trip so choose wisely.'

"Amara babe you and me." Blake says. " Ugh no I want Katie." "Sorry Amara me and Noah are partners." She says pointing to her boyfriend.

"Really you're going to leave me with him?" I say pointing to Blake who was on the floor after falling out of his chair. I roll my eyes as he just lays there.

"Blake get your ass up." "Nah I'm good right here call me when class is over." I roll my eyes and turn my attention to the teacher as he blabs on about some stupid assembly crap were supposedly having tomorrow.

At the end of 3rd period I walk into the lunch room to find Blake no where in sight.

I jump as I feel hands on my waist. I turn to find Blake.

"Looking for me babe?"

"Yeah I was hoping to have some peace and quiet today."

"Ouch harsh. Babe don't hurt my feelings like that." He says placing a hand on his chest as if my words really hurt him.

We walk to the line and grab some lunch then walk to our usual table. After lunch we part our separate ways me going to math and him going god knows where.

After class I walk to his car after saying bye to my friends only to find him making out with some chick on his car. I roll my eyes as I stand beside them and I start to make sex noises.

They quickly pull away both their faces turning red. I bust out laughing as she rolls her eyes and starts to walk away. But Blake grabs her wrist and kisses her one last time before getting in the car.

"Not very mature Amara." He says sarcastically.

"Oh and making out with every girl you see is?"

" I don't make out with every girl I see."

"Oh yeah and name one girl you haven't made out with."


"Oh but you want too."

"I sure do babe." He says as he starts his car.

When we reach my house we walk inside and sit down on the couch to watch Supernatural.

My mom walks in with Ben my baby brother. She puts him down and he wobbles his way over to me. I pick him up and kiss him all over his face making him laugh. I sit down with him and Blake reaches over and steal him from me. Ben starts laughing at the faces he makes.

I walk into the kitchen to help my mom with dinner. When we get done I walk into the living room to find Blake on the floor with Ben. I grab Ben and carry him to his high chair.

"Hey we were playing." I hear Blake yell.

"No you were playing he was babbling on about god knows what." I sit down at the table as Blake sits beside me we all talk and have a good time.

My father comes in 20 minutes after dinner. I jump up and run to him tears pouring down my face. I haven't seen him in about 6 months he's been gone into the military for awhile.

"What are you doing here I thought you weren't supposed to be home until May?" I say after ive calmed down.

"I got to come home early." He says hugging me again. He looks over to my mom and they have there moment while I grab Ben off the floor.

Dad looks at me and says "This is my man?" I shake my head yes as he reaches for Ben.

He hasn't seen Ben since the day he was born. He had to go back to work so it left me and mom to raise him.

After awhile he looks over to Blake and hugs him. "Hey son I see you have done a great job taking care of them while I was gone." Blake smiles shaking his head yes.

"How was your trip dad?" I ask.

" It was good I'm just glad to be home."

"im glad you're home." I say. We all sit in the living room to watch a movie. As the movie goes on we get bored.

"How's your parents Blake?"

"Their good they have a trip next week so I was going to ask if I could stay here?"

"Oh course you can this is your house too son." My dad says.

We continue to watch the movie and after a while Ben comes to me and reaches for me to pick him up.

He looks at me like he always does when he's tired my mom sees and hands me his bottle and passy. I stick the bottle in his mouth he drinks the whole thing then wants his passy.

After a couple of minutes he's asleep not too long after the movie goes off. I carry Ben to his crib then turn off the light.

I walk back to my room to find Blake in my bed.

"Blake go home."

"No I'm staying here tonight"

"No you're not get the hell off my bed."

"Fine see you tomorrow babe. I love you."

" I love you too bestfriend."

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