Cyra...and the boys

Começar do início

Ah Casey,t hat girl....

"hey your little friend just grew up....." wait what was she talking about....

I looked to her to see her looking everywhere but down, i saw Prince motioning me to look down, when i looked i noticed a bump infront..

ah shit i got a boner...thinking of Casey. thats funny, but embarrissing. 

I started thinking of dead puppies(Crinceton) till it went down...good thing i was only Cyra that saw, if it was the girls i would have died. I was silent till Princeton spoke up, "Well Cyra you get dressed and meet us downstairs and we'll head to the mall" 

"OKKK!!" we walked out and went to the living room and watched the news till Cyra came down.



After 20 mintues Cyra finally came down. Gosh girls take FOREVER!!! like really just throw some clothes on and gooo.

"BOUT TIME!!" Prodigy said hoping up from his seat and walked to the door. "LEGOOO PEOPLE!!" We all followed Prodigy out to the car. we got in and Steve(the driver) drove us to the mall.

"Ok Twinny where you wanna go first...somewhere with dresses."Prodigy asked throwing his arm around Cyra. "Um lets go to forever 21." we started to the store only getting stopped a couple times by fans. Cyra didn't mind though cause she was asked for an autograph a couple times too.

When we got to the stop me and the boys went to sit by the dressing rooms while Cyra went to look for dresses. She came over to the rooms and went in one with about 30 dresses. 

We were gonna be her for a while....



"Ugh guys i look ugly in all these dressed, and this is the last cute one." Cyra whined from the dressing room. We had been here for about and hour and a half. Cyra had stopped coming out to show us the dress after about 7 of them. 

"Well how bout you come out and let us see." Ray said trying to reason with her. "But i look like whale throw-up..." she called back. ughhh. "ok well you know what, whatever dress you have on right now, comeout in it and show us, please. were dying out here." Prodigy said from his seat.

we sat there and watched the door for a few seconds, then heard it unlock and out came Cyra in a Blue dress. I was strapless and at the top part it was black with blue and white rim stones, and the bottome half was white with blue sparkles in different places. It hit her just above her knees, and it hugged all her curves making them stand out. 

me and the boys watched as she came out and stood infront of the mirror rubbing her hands over the fabric. "Ok maybe this one isn't so bad..." SHe said turning to face us. Prodigy go tup and walked to her, "twinny this is perfect, Roc with love it!" she smiled at us and looked to me and Ray, we nodded our heads agreeing with Prodigy.

"ok ill get it!!" she said heading nback to the dressing room to change.we took the dress to the casher and paid for it with money Roc gave us for Cyra. she walked over to us with black and white high heels. I grabbed them from her and paid for them, then handed her the bag, pulling her out of the store.

'ok now to the salon..i guess" Ray said walking ahead of us with prodigy. "YAYYY!!" Cyra said skipping infront of all of us. 




so we went to the salon and Cyra got her curls trimmed and put blond highlights in them. I took FORVER , but when she was done her hair looked beast. 

Now were just walking back to the car after, when Cyra say a percieing place. 'OMG i want my belly bottom peiced!! Can i?" she asked giving me puppy eyes.

I was gonna so no when Princeton came and said yes...what was that. Cyra took off the the place with us a little behind her. when she was talking to the guy i turned to Prince, "what was that about, i was gonna say no!' 

"remeber Roc told us to give her whatever she wanted, plus its not hurting anyone." He answered taking a seat in the chairs by the window. me and Ray sat down with as Cyra was finishing up talking to the girl. She came over to us, handing me her bag. 

"ok, You guys can come back if you want." She said pulling Ray up from his seat. we got up and followed the guy to the back to this room. there were pictures of peircings on teh wall, with cabinets that covered on wall. a table was in the center and a chair next to it. me and the boys went to on side of the room so we weren't  in the way. the guy told Cyra to lay on the table so he could clean her off. 

After he cleaned her belly botton, he had her stand up so she could be marked, after she was marked she was back on the table. the guy handed her a stress ball, and started working. i didnt really watch so i didnt see what he did, i just heard Cyra suck in her breath, then a few seconds later she released it. i uncovered my eyes and walked over to her as she hopped down. her ring was a blue rim that didnt hang down to much. it was all red around her stomuch.

"did it hurt?" I asked poking the ring. she moved away to look at it in the mirror. 'uhh no not really, just the clampbut thats all i really felt." she said folding her shirt up to where you could see it. "Ok well thankz sir, lets go guys, im hungry." she said grabbing her stuff.

'how about i call the others and see if they want to meet up with us for lunch." Ray said pulling out his phone probably calling Casey.



Casey got a call from ray saying they were going to eat and was asking if we wanted to come with. we decided to go since we were just waiting for the ring to get finished. 

We drove to Fazollis, and walked in looking for the others. I found them in the back. Cyra was standing up doing something, and the boys were laughing. I walked up behind her and grabbed her by her waist scaring her. "BOOO!" 

she turned around and hit me on my chest. 'Baby dont ever do that again, i was about to cut someone." she said pulling me into a hug. Casey adn Celeste went to sit by there boys, and i pulling out a chair and sat down putting Cyra in my lap. "Hey you got your belly peiced?" Celly asked looking at Cyra. 

i leaned forward to look over Cyras shoulder at her stomuch that was showing. She sure did, her belly was still red so i rubbed it for fun...haha. the ring was big but didn't tangle AND it was blue color....thats SEXY;)

Cyra sat up straight and showed it off to the girls. "yea and it ddn;t really hurt. you guys should get it too." She said trying to convince the girls. I turned my attention to her hair just now noticing the blond highlights in it. I took a blond peice and started playing with it. "You like my hair, babe?" 

"you its cute, and it adds to your eyes." i said still playing with it.

She turned and gave me a quick but full of passion kiss, then turne back to the girls and talked to him. I watched as she did until our food came. even when we were eating i was watching her. i guess she noticed cause she started blushing. "what?" she asked

"nothing, just thinking how i got so lucky...." I said looking into her eyes. "How we all go so lucky..." Ray said giving Casey a kiss on the cheek.

We Were Lucky......

To bad we maybe sepreated soon.................


A Mindless Twin!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora