Raymond and the Bottom Lock

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Present Day

Ash's eyes were dull; lifeless. Rose climbed off from on top of his still body and stood at the side of the bed, staring down at him.

It's a damn shame, she thought, moving to grab her dress off the floor, wincing at the slight pain she felt in her shoulder from his bite that her magic was slowly healing her from, I really liked him.

Rose pulled her dress on, her hazel eyes still on Ash's dead body lying on the bed. There was a mirror just over his dresser and she picked up his shirt from the floor to wipe his blood off of her chest and face. Once she was satisfied, she threw the shirt back down on the ground and moved to the bed to grab her blade still stuck in Ash's chest. She licked it, tasting his blood; sweet and salty, making her stomach flutter.

Tucking the blade back into the back of her dress where she had been hiding it all night long, she unlocked the door to Ash's room and stepped out into the hall to make her way to the kitchen.

Raymond was standing there in front of the microwave, still holding the pitcher.

"Damn that was quick." He said, taking a drink as his brown eyes looked at the wound on her shoulder the dress didn't cover.

"I'm just that good." Rose said with a devious smile on her face as she stood in front of him.

"I guess so." He mumbled into the pitcher as he took another sip.

Raymond didn't see her blade as she pulled it out of her secret spot and stabbed him in the chest with it. The pitcher crashed to the floor, blue liquid splashing every where. Rose pulled the blade out quickly, then stabbed him again before his hands could reach out to grab her and try to stop what she was doing.

The surprise in his face caught her off guard, and for a moment, she felt sad that she had killed Raymond.

When Rose pulled the blade out of Raymonds chest, the magic surrounding the blade let go, and he collapsed onto the kitchen floor, dead.

Rose was shaking her head as she walked over to the sink and turned on the water to rinse her blade off, "You Ancients are way too trust worthy." She grumbled and tucked her blade away once more.

That was two Ancients out of the way, and she would be a vampire soon with her strong magic. First she had planned on killing Virginia, and then, she would take out the High Coven. Reaching the front door she looked back one last time. Rose couldn't see Raymonds dead body in the kitchen, or Ash's in the bedroom.

With a new purpose, she twisted the bottom lock on the front door, and walked out, shutting it behind her.


A/N: So guys...? Not expecting that huh?! Me either! I'll try to post the first chapter of the second book coming for this... but don't get your hopes too up yet! Still have a lot to figure out, like is Virginia going to die? Will she be happy that her target has been killed? IS EVERYONE REALLY DEAD?! 

Ah... the questions go on and on and on and on and on and on... well, you get it.

Enjoy and until next time Much Love!

Jess xo

Of Ashes and Roses: A Vampire Huntress Tale (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now