Ghosts and Breezes

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Two Months Ago

The house was quiet when Rose approached it. There was no sign of any life inside of it; the windows dark from the outside. The quarter moon above her head allowed her to see better as she walked up the driveway, adjusting her small hand bag that held her only weapon in case things went sideways inside while she scoped out her newest target. The house was a one story solid concrete home painted a pale coral, typical in the tropical vacation city she was in at the moment. The yard had no grass, but tones of bleached white sea shells spread evenly across the front yard. Zero-scape at its finest, she thought as she spotted the five different species of palm trees placed tastefully across the yard, buried in the shells. She finally reached the door and knocked. Anxiousness shivered through her, which wasn't normal for her.

She was a fifth generation vampire hunter. This was her job from the day she was born till the day she died. That's what they told her anyway. In her opinion though, it was quite a shitty job to have. Rose had lost lots of close friends along the way, not all of them human either. With a frown, she pushed back some of her auburn hair from off her shoulder and knocked again, impatience getting the best of her now.

Her invite had said 8 o'clock. It was ten. The thought of it might not being the right house worried her for a brief moment.

"They're inside." A voice floated out from behind Rose and she almost jumped out of her skin.

There was a pretty brunette standing behind her, with pale green eyes, which, Rose knew if this pretty brunette was alive still, should have been darker and sharper.

"Jesus Jane, you scared the shit out of me!" Rose ground out in a harsh whisper through her teeth.

"You're nervous over this guy? You got this bro." Her voice was softer this time, floating on the air around Roses head.

Jane gave what Rose figured was a smile in her own ghostly way before Rose could snap back and looked at the door behind Rose as it opened and a voluptuous blonde woman stood there with a smile.

"Oh hey girl! Come on in, the party is just starting!" She stepped aside and let Rose pass through the doorway.

She knew a lot of the people there already, from some of the local bars around town. Finally some of them had caved and decided to trust her enough to invite them to her targets home. Raymond was his name. He was one of the oldest and the most dangerous vampires around this part of the world.

One of the Ancients.

Rose had been training for this hunt for a little over five years now, and she was fully prepared.

They were standing in the living room now, people mingled while rock played softly in the background. The furniture reminded Rose of old people. Wicker and bright tropical colors surrounded her.

Outdoor furniture inside.

Holding back a snicker at the choice of furniture she followed the blonde girl to the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room. Rose kept the beat of her heart steady with little effort as Raymond came into her view, standing at the counter in the kitchen in front of a blender, its contents neon orange.

He turned to look at his newest visitor and his soft brown eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled, "Well hello again Rose!"

Rose gave him a shy smile as he came around the counter with his arms open, ready for a friendly embrace. She hugged him, and flinched when his long brown hair, hanging around his shoulders, brushed into her face.

Of Ashes and Roses: A Vampire Huntress Tale (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now