Broken Glasses and A Previous Plan

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Present Day

"This was all planned wasn't it?" Rose asked alarmed, trying to pull out of Ashes arms, feeling betrayed.

"Not fully," Ash admitted to her, gripping her arm stronger, "But yes, it was part of the idea."

Rose let her anger build up inside of her. Raymond was standing next to the sink where there were glasses sitting in a dish rack and when Rose let the anger release inside of her, the glasses on the dish rack shattered.

Raymond jumped at the noise and his brown eyes looked from the broken glass to Rose and back, before he set down the pitcher from the blender he had been holding the whole time to look at Rose.

"What the fuck Rose?!" He glared at her, "Is this what you do to the people you're agreeing to help? Shatter their fucking drinking glasses?" His brown eyes suddenly looked hurt, and he pushed a strand of his brown hair that had fallen out of his pony tail.

Ash rolled his eyes, "No one cares about your fucking glasses Ray."

Raymond's eyes snapped over to Ash, "What are we meant to drink out of Ash?" He demanded as his eyes snapped over to Ash in pure disappointment.

"Jesus, I'll get you new glasses Ray, I'm sorry." Rose said, placing her fists on her hips and she glared at Raymond for his irrelevant outburst.

Raymond ignored her.

"When this is all out on the table and a plan is laid in place we will get in my car, and drive to get you new fucking glasses. Would that be OK? Make you happy, you fuck?" Ash asked him through clenched teeth.

Raymond's shoulders straightened at Ashes words and he gave a half smile, "Yes. Yes it would. Thank you Ash," He pointed at Rose standing across the small bar that separated the kitchen from the living room, "But Rose is buying them."

Rose tried to pull her arm out of Ashes grip, hurt and annoyed at both of their actions, "So you expect me to exchange our fluids and go running into the High Coven, guns blazing? Do you think I'm fucking insane?"

Ash gripped her arm tighter and pulled her into his body, hard.

"No, I think you're nuts not to think I wouldn't come with you." His voice whispered against her ear and it made her shiver.

"They'll smell you from a mile away." Rose whispered back as her eyes closed in pleasure.

"You'll cloak me, like I'll hide you when you go in to destroy them." Ashes breath tickled her throat as his mouth moved over her skin.

"That takes a lot of power and would weaken me." Rose tried to pull away from his mouth and body.

He let her go.

Rose stumbled slightly, but righted herself, and crossed her arms over her chest in silent protest.

"With the power you'll gain by being mine, it shouldn't even be an issue in your mind." Ash said and glared at his little witch.

Rose knew he was right. She also knew that Ash knew she knew this.

"Anything else everyone wants to get out while we are in our feels?" Raymond cut in, putting the pitcher of the blender to his mouth for a long drink.

Ash and Rose both glared at Raymond.

Rose swung her arms out in front of her in frustration and then let them drop to her sides, "Fuck this shit. I don't like my job anyway."

Ash and Raymond watched as she moved past them both, down the hall, and into Ashes room, slamming the door shut behind her violently.

Ash looked over at Raymond whom was smiling mischievously at him, "Well," He lifted the pitcher to his lips, took a long drink and then smiled even bigger at Ash, "That was easier than I thought it would be."

Ash turned to the hallway Rose had just disappeared down before looking at Raymond, "It really was."

He wasn't going to tell Raymond how uncomfortable he was.

He was just barely older than Raymond, and he would feel stupid trying to explain the bad feeling that was coming over him. If it was affecting him, it should absolutely affect Raymond.


"You know if you would have done this a month ago I don't think my glasses would have been shattered." Raymond mumbled over the top of the blender pitcher, the neon blue ingredients slowly disappearing from inside as he swallowed.

"Will you shut the fuck up about your fucking drinking glasses Raymond?" Ash pressed slowly, through clenched teeth as he felt his fangs drop in his mouth.

His mind was not wrapped around materialistic things like glasses at the moment. Right now, he was thinking about the witch.

His witch.

She was the witch that his kind could believe would take down their main enemy. The Hunters.

Ashes biggest problem now was the pull he couldn't explain between the two of them.

That unnatural pull.

In all of his centuries, he felt his insides twist and pull; a flutter.

The idea was either a spell, or...

The sound of a door opening in the hall way broke his thoughts and he looked over towards the darkened hallway that the sound had originated from.

"Hey!" Roses voice echoed down the dark hall and Ash forced himself to breath even though he didn't need to, "You coming or not?'

Ash was turned on. In all of the boring years he had spent, just surviving.

Then Rose had shown up.

With a shake of his head, he glanced over at Raymond and smiled at him then turned to yell down the hallway, "Yes my little witch."

Raymond watched as Ash moved towards his bedroom.

Of Ashes and Roses: A Vampire Huntress Tale (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now