In Which Rabbit Feels Lonely

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When that happened Alfred became more cold towards me, becoming blunt and disrespectful.

I sighed once more slowly sitting down in the rocking chair that was near the window. I sat there stroking my belly feeling my baby kick softly against my palm causing me to smile brightly. I began to whisper sweet nothings to my unborn child saying how much I love them or how excited I am to hold them in my arms.

I heard the door open causing me to snap my mouth shut seeing that it was Alfred. "What do you want." I asked bluntly going back to looking the window like I was before. "I have come to ask you something." He replies, "Well hurry up because I need to piss." I replied lying a bit. He sighs heavily rolling his eyes in the process, "What have you been doing for the past eight months." I scoffed. "I became a healer. Using my magic to heal people." I said matter-of-factly glaring softly at Alfred. He huffed crossing his arms, "Haven't you learned anything Arthur? Sorcery is bad." I grit my teeth, "So you're saying it's bad that I use my powers to heal people? Because of your fucking law about sorcery?!" I hissed angrily.

"I have my reasons for putting up that law Arthur." He said sternly clenching his fists tightly. "So you were so willing enough to let your people kill your husband and child because of a stupid law!?" I holler standing up to face him. He growls clenching his fists tighter, "Maybe it was mistake bringing you back here."

"Yeah maybe it was." Alfred turned on his heels leaving the room leaving me alone with no one else but my baby...our baby... I felt tears prickle at the corners of my eyes. Why do people always have shoot me down...? I sat down in the rocking chair again, "This is going to be a long stay isn't it little one..." I mutter talking to my unborn baby receiving a soft kick in reply. I glance out the window to see a bird fly by tweeting a song that only birds know. I want to fly away like that bird... Away from pain... And away from heart break. If only it were that simple....

(AHA! A NEW UPDATE OF ONCE UPON A DREAM HELL YA!!!! IM IMMEDIATELY WORKING ON THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!! Any who I hope you guys like it also Alfred is a dick in the chapter :) Trump is getting to me shit! XD no wonder Alfred's a fucking ass in this chapter. I also feel bad for not updating in like days and days. Also today I'm heading back to the States from Japan kind of ironic because of the fucking TPP thing. So yeah like I said I really hope you like this I'm trying really hard. I just lost interest for a little but now I'm back. So anyways vote, comment, share whatever I will see you tomorrow!!!!! Bye bye!!!!)

Once Upon A Dream (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora