The Queen's Sorcery

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(Hello everyone welcome back to another chapter! Okay to make up for my terrible smut scene in the last chapter I'm writing this chapter yay. So yeah enjoy!
Song of inspiration: Wizard Hunt (?))

-Alfred's P.O.V-
I sat at my desk reading proposal letter from the different kingdoms some from the kingdom of Clubs or the kingdom of Hearts. Some was mostly gossip or just news but not all of it as expected..."A-Al..?" I look up from my work to see Arthur standing in the doorway. He was wearing one of my shirts which looked like a night gown. I smiled softly, "Yes Artie..?" I replied standing up walking over to him. "Something's happened outside..."
"How do you know...?"
Arthur looked away, "I just do..." I nodded kissing Arthur's forehead before Yao ran in surprised at the fact that Arthur was not in his room since his heat isn't over until another day. "Your highness there is trouble in the village." I look down at Arthur who was leaning against the door frame for support. I sighed heavily, "Alright what's happened..?"
"The crops are dying and there seems to be a shortage of water. Some rumors are going about saying it's... sorcery...." I lift an eyebrow in confusion. I could see Arthur in the corner of my eye getting uneasy and nervous. "I see...I'll go take a look and see what's the matter." Yao bowed slightly beckoning me to follow him. Why was Arthur so uneasy...and...nervous...?

He...couldn't be...could he...?

-Arthur's P.O.V-
I watched as Alfred and Yao left me behind leaning against the door frame. I push myself off and stiffly walk back to the room.
I open the door to see maids inside cleaning the bed and picking up dirty clothes before I saw a small handbook fall out of my pants pocket. I quickly shuffle over to the handbook picking it up and hiding it behind my back before any of the maids saw. The smooth leather against my finger tips, I gripped onto it tighter watching the maids leave a suspicious look on their faces. I quickly shut the door before sighing in relief looking at the handbook in my hand.
I walk over to the bed sitting down the fresh new smell surrounding me almost eliminating the sent of my heat. My eyes hardened with hatered, "Alfred...can't know about my past...or this book..." I stood up walking over to the fire place kneeling down in front of it. I lift up my hand looking into the hearth, "Incendio." I murmured fire suddenly appeared in the hearth. The orange light illuminating off my pale skin warmth began to envelope me. I stared into the orange flames and tossed the handbook in. I watched as it ignited into flames the paper and leather folding and burning.
"" I turn around quickly to see one of the servants staring at me with terrified eyes. I fell back startled at his presence, "Y-You're a...a...Sorcerer..." No...this can't be happening...
The servant dropped the tray running out of the room and down the corridor.
I can't believe it....

(Muwahahaha!!! 😈 I'm evil as fuck hope you guys enjoyed this chapter so yeah ARTHUR!! YOU'RE A WIZARD!!! XD If you like this chapter punch that vote button and I'll see you all...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!)

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