The Flowers Have Their Language

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(*whoopsh* HELLO EVERYONE my name's Pinetree_b4 and welcome back to my book Once Upon A Dream. I'm happy that you guys are voting and reading my chapters. Means a lot to me! So yeah :3 enjoy this chapter!)
-Arthur's P.O.V-
I slowly opened my eyes the sunlight peaked through the curtains,  the warmth kissed my skin making me feel comfortable and calm. From within the crack of the curtain I could see little water droplets from the rainstorm. I turn over facing an empty spot where Alfred was. His sent remain on the bed sheets and pillow which to my surprise he smelled awfully good.
I slowly sat up looking around the room to see if there was any sign of the Prince. I remember the events that happened last night, the prince being scared and me singing him the lullaby from my past...I smiles softly at the memory.
"Your majesty?" Said a timid but stern voice. I'm still trying to get use to the fact that I'm going to be Queen sometime soon and officially Alfred's mate...
"Yes come in." I reply as calmly as I could, the door slowly opened to reveal the Jack. I look at him with a smile, "The prince requests to see you in the guarden." I nodded.
After a little while I was dressed in fancy silk clothing with a small top hat to match. I look at myself in the mirror not really use to the feeling of wearing these clothes instead of my classic turtle neck. I looked over at the Jack, "Thank you Yao." I said with a smile. He smiles back leading me to the garden that was near the back of the castle.
We went out of the doors which revealed a magnificent garden. Tho most of the flowers there were a shade of blue or purple to match the colors if the Spades there were some that were different from others. There were many different flowers in the garden many I can recognize in a heart beat.
"The prince is waiting for you." Said Yao with a smile as he left me to go find Alfred which wasn't that hard to do. Alfred was standing next to a pond looking out in the distance with a smile. "Hello Alfred." I said walking up towards him he turns his head to look at me, "Hello Arthur." He smiled at me making me blush.
I watch as he motions me to go to his side and I do so. I stood next to him looking out i the distance, he smiles softly. "Thank you for last night Arthur..." I hear him say softly, "of course I just wanted to help out..." I replied timidly. "You have a beautiful voice by the way." I smiled softly, "Thank you Alfred." He chuckles glancing at the flowers.
I looked at the flowers as well heading over kneeling down and smelling one of them. "Did you know flowers have their own language?" I asked looking over at the prince who was kneeling next to me. He looks back at me with curiosity, "Really?" I nodded smiling. "Like this white lily means purity or virginity." Alfred chuckled a bit causing me to roll my eyes, "Git don't think like that." I said with a glare. "Okay okay sorry. What about this one." He points at a red Tulip, "It means believe me or declaration of love." I said softly. Alfred smiled, "And this one?" He points at a an orange lilly. "Jealousy." I replied bluntly seeing the confused look on Alfred's face, "Why Jealousy?" I shrugged. "Why are you asking me this?" He looks at me, "Because you know the language." I roll my eyes again, "Doesn't mean I know it all." Alfred pouts causing me to giggle.
I watch as Alfred pick a small blue flower, " What about forget-me-not?" I smiled, "true love." He gently place the flower behind my ear so it was in my hair. "True love make you look cute." I blush lightly smiling, "No it doesn't." I replied. "Yes it does Arthur." He said softly caressing my cheek, "Why me Alfred?" I asked looking away. "What do you mean?"
"Why did you choose an Omega like me...A peasant...Wouldn't you have like an Omega that was never used...." Alfred look at me probably in disgust. "What?"
"Wouldn't you have liked an Omega that was never used...?"

(Here we go I kind of liked this chapter because it had some bonding between Alfred and Arthur but then a past is revealed. 0-0 what happened to Arthur!?! Anyways Im going to leave this chapter here so yeah anywho thank you guys if you liked it punch that lVote star in the face like a boss! And high fives all around *whoopsh whoopsh* Thank you guys for reading and I'll see you guys....IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!! Bub bye!!!)

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