Once Upon An Autumn Eve

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(What the Hell another chapter!?! Well anyways Here is my proper Markiplier/Japseticeye intro. *whoopsh* Hello everybody my name is Pinetree_b4 and here is Chapter Three! Sorry for the spelling and grammar. Warnings: Cursing and Arthur's incident revealed!)
-Arthur's P.O.V- 
I stood next to a pillar in the ball room my arms folded across my chest my glances always went back to Alfred. There was this feeling...A feeling like I've met him before...but..how... "well well well isn't it the little rabbit~" I turn my head seeing the french king standing behind me a grin on his face. "Don't
Call me that frog." I said a bit surprised...Frog...? Where did that...

"BLOODY FROG BACK OFF HE'S GOING TO BE MY LITTLE BROTHER!" I shout gripping the Frenchman's neck tightly, " HOW CAN HE? HE LOOKS LIKE ME MORE!" Said Francis as he gripped my neck as well. "BLOODY FROG!!"

-End of Flashback-
I stared at the french king rolling my eyes looking away from him. "Frog you say? Not very nice to say to a King." He sneered making me feel uncomfortable. "Hello king Francis." Both of us glance over to see Alfred walking over to us.
"Bonjour Prince Alfred found a mate?" I roll my eyes leaning against the wall. "Yes I have."
"Good who is the lucky royal?"
Alfred smirks, " Well he's not exactly a royal per say..." I look up at him and he looks down at me a soft smile on his face.
"Ah I see do the little Rabbit is your mate." Alfred look at Francis and nods. My heart felt like it was in my throat, "W-Wait what? No I cant Alfred." I replied moving away from him. "Arthur my parents let me choose a mate. And I want you as my mate Arthur..." My heart sank seeing the hurt face Alfred pulled.
I balled my fists sighing heavily, "A peasant like me? I cant Alfred...I cant be Queeen. I don't know how." I said bitterly. Alfred sighed, "Arthur there's a reason I chose you because...I don't know I feel like I've met you before..." My eyes widened. "What?" I looked into Alfred's eyes (eye sex again XD) "I don't know okay it's just a feeling." He looked up seeing his father walked towards us. "Father..." I turn seeing the King come towards us with a caring gaze. "Ready son?" Alfred nodded following his father leaving me and Francis behind...

(Short I know..sucks? Yeah I know shut the hell up anyways thats it for this chapter if you like it Punch that Vote button in the face like a boss! And like always I will see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!))

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