The Prince And His Heart Of Gold

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(Hello everybody the name's Pinetree_b4 and today is the second chapter I post today! Yay!! So I seriously apologize for the terrible ending on my last chapter -_- It was terrible don't hide it. Anywho I forgot to say this but I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes and such. Warnings: Probably another terrible ending and cursing)
-Arthur's P.O.V-
"Unhand me!" I shout again causing some people to stare at us which I honestly did not care about. I hate being center of attention but I stared at the prince so I guess I deserved it. "What do you think you're doing?" I look up to see the prince talking to the guard that caught me. "I found this..." I glared as he pulled down the neck of my sweater down showing my Omega symbol. "I found this Omega staring at you in a weird manner." I scoffed at this comment. I glared daggers at the guard, "Just because I was staring doesn't mean anything." This caught him off guard.
Omegas like me usually back down with our tails between our legs (not really but you know) but I stick up for myself. I argue and defend like Alphas do because I don't like being weak and picked at like wolves eating a slab of meat.
"Why were you staring at me?" I glared at the Alpha prince, "because you reminded me of someone." I replied bluntly staring into his blue eyes. (So much eye sex XD) "I're an interesting Omega..."
"Oh yeah how so?"
"You fight back" I blush lightly looking away, "Guard you can release him this was just a misunderstanding." He said kindly making me blush a little more. I felt the guard release me like he was told, I pull my turtle neck up a bit covering my mark. "Thank you," I said shyly hiding part of my face in my turtle neck getting the prince to chuckle. Then I saw his hand outstretched towards me, "I'm Alfred F. Jones." He said softly with a smile. I look up at him and took ahold of his hand shaking it. "Arthur Kirkland..." I replied sighing a bit.
"Arthur?" I roll my eyes, "Yes?" He smiles, "Care to walk around the festival with me?" i shrugged. "I don't care." I said bluntly when inside I was saying yes over and over again like a little girl. He laughs causing me to blush. Bloody prat...
We walked around the festival talking and laughing and enjoying the things the festival had to offer. He made me smile and feel warm inside he even made me laugh which was something I haven't done in a very long time. It felt good to feel joy again...feel like an innocent kid again.
By the time we got to every booth there was it was already almost night. We were heading to the castle since there was a Ball tonight as well so the prince could see the bachelors and bachelorettes for a mate.
I did feel a twinge of jealousy but the candidates for the Alfred's mate were royals. Oh well Alfred wouldn't fall for a peasant like me....

"Alfred...what are you-" I felt Alfred press a finger onto my lips to shut me up. He smiles softly pulling out a bouquet of flowers handing them to me. I held the flowers smiling softly smelling them. "They're beautiful Alfred." I smiled softly placing them on the coffee table giving the American a hug.
He gently pulled away heading over to the stereo playing some slow and soft music. Alfred walks back over to me placing his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we began to slow dance. "You're so kind hearted Alfred~ It's like you're heart is golden." Said softly staring into his blue eyes. "I guess I'm just you're hero with a heart of gold." He replied making me giggle softly. "Love ya England."
"I love you too America~"

-End of flashback-
I gently rubbed my forehead as I continued to walk alongside Alfred my head aching a bit. "You okay Arthur?" Asks the blond haired prince, "Yes Im okay thank you..."

(Okay here is Chapter 2 yay!! Hope you liked it! Im having troubles on how to end the chapters and such so ya don't blame me XD well anyways Thank you guys so much! If you like it punch that Vote button comment er whatever and as always I'll see all you dudes.... IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! #Jacksepticeyeandmarkiplerfan XD)

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