Extreme Prejudice

468 20 24

2/19th Special Weapons Group Area
Secure Area, Alfenwehr
West Germany
30 October, 1987
0100 Hours

The ice axe hit with a solid thunk that sent a shock up my arm and made my shoulder flare with pain. The guy went backwards as I let it go, knowing it was hung up on bone by the way it had shuddered going into him. I'd felt his ribs go as the serrated curve has tore between two of them, spreading them out and shattering them.

No time to get to the pistols. No time to get to the knife.


I was already in with them. One was turning to stare at his friend, the one in the back started screaming, catching his friend as his friend went down, the third looking straight at me, his face confused.

"What?" He started.

The lizard slammed his fists on the board, trying to activate his combat routines, trying to get his decision matrixes up and running. Nothing was working for him as I made my decisions in a split second, decisions he didn't approve of.

No time for anything fancy.

I gave the one on my right a short, sharp clothesline, stepping into him, hooking my foot behind his, and slamming the crook of my arm into his face. He went down as I was still turning. The guy in the rear's feet slipped on the ice as he took his dead friend's weight and both started going down.

"Are you doing?" The one on the left got out as I finished my turn, the cleats biting into the ice both outside the door and inside. I palmed his face, put my hips into it, and slammed the back of his head against the door frame as hard as I could. Something in my shoulder groaned at the force of it.

Blood smeared his face and my palm as I let go and turned back to the one that had just hit the ground. One of his eyes was still open, but rolled back. If he was still alive, I'd handle it in a minute. The one of the ground was stunned still, his arms up in front of him, wrists limp.

I stomped on the middle of his face with the my right combat boot, the cleats shredding his flesh. I stomped again, and something crunched under my foot.

My left leg took that as a sign we were done and folded underneath me.

The guy at the rear managed to throw his buddy off of him as I used the door frame to pull myself up, roaring in pain and rage as my knee tried to buckle again.

He ran.

"COME BACK, I'M NOT DONE HURTING YOU!" I bellowed at him, tensing to prepare to chase him down and kill him.

Westlin appeared in front of me, wearing full battle rattle, her LBE unbuckled and her vest pulled open. Around the hole in her T-shirt was stained with dark blood, and it ran from the corners of her mouth and her nose.

"No, Ant, stay on mission," She snapped.

I checked my run.

"It isn't happy fun kill time, Ant," Westlin said, pointing at the door. "Get to work."

I grinned under my mask as I moved by her, back out. I pulled each body back around the corner, then set to work.

She was right. Let the guy run.  I needed him to run.

Last two. Set them in the snow, run the wires, move inside, let the door almost close, hook up the wires.

"Better hurry, Ant, they'll be coming soon," Westlin told me.

"I know," I said, moving up the stairs.

"Got a plan?" She asked me when I sat down on the stairs above the landing in between the second and third floors.

Time/Date Error (Damned of the 2/19th-Book Six) - DoneWhere stories live. Discover now